Health Equity Medical Program

The Health Equity Medical Program at Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital is designed to provide equitable and culturally sensitive person-centered care to the diverse patients, communities and populations in our regions. We aim to assist every person in reaching their full health potential by addressing disparities in care outcomes in the diverse communities we serve.

This program was created to extend services to minority populations, particularly Black communities, within our region and address historical barriers to health.

“Health equity is achieved when every person has the opportunity to attain his or her full health potential and no one is disadvantaged from achieving this potential because of social position or other socially determined circumstances. One of the primary goals is to achieve health equity by eliminating health disparities and achieving optimal health for all Americans.” (CDC, 2021)

Our specialty services include:

  • Cancer Screening Processes.
  • Cardiovascular Services Navigation.
  • Comprehensive Weight Management Services.

Our Community Advisory Council guided us on the initial services provided in the program, which engages providers to create a culturally sensitive care delivery model. As such, our clinicians adopt an attitude of humility, sensitivity, and compassion to meet the needs of our diverse populations.

The Health Equity Program Provides:

  • One-stop services, which includes guidance on navigating your care. We assess your needs, make appointments, and facilitate your follow-up appointments with providers if needed.
  • Physician liaisons that can help coordinate care and services if you are hospitalized.
  • Timely referrals and appointments for doctors and specialists, outpatient services, and additional tests and treatments that patients might need.
  • Personalized case management services that help take the stress and anxiety out of managing medical care so patients can concentrate on achieving and maintaining good health.
  • Ongoing health education.

For more information about the Health Equity Medical Program at RWJUH, please contact us today.

Patient Stories

  • “Ahmed has made great progress, and once he was cleared by his physician, he could participate in running, jumping, and sport-specific activities necessary to get him back on the court.”

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  • “Everybody from the doctors to the nurses to the transporters treated me so well, like I was family,”

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  • “I enjoyed working with these nurses so much, that after I graduated Phase II, I elected to rejoin Cardiac Rehab, Phase III or Maintenance Program,” explains Tom. “I increased my stamina and heart rate levels and enjoy a great workout, three times per ...

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Patient Stories

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