Safely and Anonymously Surrender a Baby
Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital Is a Safe Haven in New Jersey for Unwanted Infants
For new parents who are scared and desperate, and believe they cannot raise their baby, there’s a safe, legal, and anonymous way to surrender their infant.

Leave the baby with staff at the hospital Emergency Department any time of the day or night — we are open 24/7:
Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital
1 Robert Wood Johnson Place
New Brunswick, NJ 08901
No questions asked.
Any information a parent is willing to share, such as the child's health, race, date of birth, place of birth or medical history of the parents, could be very useful in caring for the child. Our staff has medical questionnaires available which can be answered anonymously. Or, parents can fill out the medical questionnaire in the Safe Haven brochure and bring it in with the baby.
Download the Safe Haven brochure with the questionnaire inside:
Abandoning a baby puts the infant in extreme danger, and can even result in the baby's death. It is also illegal, with severe consequences. But with Safe Haven, this tragedy can be avoided.
What Happens After the Baby Is Surrendered
If a mother brings in her baby, she will be offered medical treatment and social services. She may refuse if she wishes. Once she has safely turned over the baby, she is free to go.
The baby will be examined and given medical treatment, if needed. The New Jersey Department of Children and Families (DFC) will ensure that the infant is placed with a foster or pre-adoptive home.
Then DFC's Child Protection and Permanency (CP&P) representative will immediately take custody and place the child in a foster or pre-adoptive home. After 21 days, CP&P will proceed with the permanent adoption of the baby. There are always families who want to adopt an infant.
Safe and Legal
New Jersey's Safe Haven Infant Protection Act allows a person to give up an unwanted infant safely, legally and anonymously. Parents — or someone acting on their behalf — can leave an unharmed baby less than 30 days old with staff at any hospital emergency room, police station, fire station, ambulance, first aid or rescue squad.
Regaining Custody
If the baby's mother or a relative wishes to regain custody of the baby, they should contact the Safe Haven Hotline at 1-877-839-2339 so that they can begin the process towards a safe reunification.
More Information
- Read frequently asked questions about the New Jersey Safe Haven program.
- Download the Safe Haven brochure — including medical questionnaire — in English or Spanish.
Safe Haven Hotline:
(877) 839-2339