Physician Specialties
Children’s Specialized Hospital is a leader in providing pediatric
physician services to children with special health care needs.
Please click on the link below to find out more about our pediatric physician specialties:
Special Needs Primary Care
Family-centered primary care pediatricians that coordinate care for children with special health care needs, and their siblings, and act as the central resource for all of their health care needs.
Developmental Behavioral Pediatrics
Sub-specialist pediatricians that are trained to evaluate and counsel children with a wide range of developmental conditions.
Sub-specialists that evaluate children with a range of developmental and neurologic conditions.
The orthopedic sub-specialist cares for children with multiple disabilities, in particular, those with spinal deformities and hip dysplasia.
This sub-specialty focus on the rehabilitation care and medical management of children with cerebral palsy, brain injuries, spinal cord injuries, neuromuscular disorders, and musculoskeletal conditions.
Psychiatry experts trained in treating a wide range of child and adolescent behavioral, emotional and psychiatric disorders.