Community Events

The Chinese Medical Program conducts webinars and events to educate the Chinese community about current health issues.


Please click on the links below to watch recorded informational webinars.


  • 爲什麽華人多發腸胃道疾病?如何預防? - Why Do Chinese Have More GI Problems? How to Prevent?
    The webinar Chinese Medical Program hosted on 9/16 comprehensively covered the topics such as stomach disorders, biliary diseases, and upper gastrointestinal tract conditions, as well as the prevention of colon cancer. It also provided an accessible analysis and explanation of Why GI diseases are more prevalent among the Chinese community and how to prevent them.
  • 癡呆?失智?腦退化?認知障礙?—腦神經專家教你如何預防認知能力下降 Dementia and Preventing Cognitive Decline Webinar
    華人醫療服務部將於5月8日晚上美東時間7 PM,為大家帶來一場特別的大腦健康網絡講座,這次請到的兩位腦神經科專家陳姍醫師(Dr. Shan Sarah Chen)醫師和陳顯昀(Dr. Michelle Chen)醫師將和林偉如(Dr. Karen Lin)醫師一起,全面剖析解讀,教你如何預防認知能力下降。
    Everything about Dementia and Preventing Cognitive Decline. Professional Neurologists and Neuropsychologists Dr. Shan Sarah Chen and Dr. Michelle Chen, together with experienced Family Doctor Dr. Karen Lin will teach you the best ways to prevent cognitive decline.
  • 腸癌 – 我怎樣預防罹患腸癌?Colon Cancer: How Can I Prevent it? Webinar (Chinese & English)

    華人醫療服務部將於3月27日晚上7 PM為大家帶來腸癌專業講座,大腸癌?直腸癌?結腸癌?腸胃科專家讓你不再迷惑!包括腸癌的預防,篩檢,診斷與治療,以及腸癌篩檢技術的新趨勢,CDC最新的腸癌篩檢標準等乾貨内容。

    Colon cancer? Colorectal cancer? Hereditary Colon Cancer? Not confuse anymore with the GI specialist! Colon cancer prevention, diagnosis and treatment - New trend of colon cancer screening and treatment CDC New guideline of colon cancer - New technology, FIT vs colonoscopy vs cologuard.

  • 肺腑之談 - 肺癌手術和胸外科手術 Lung Cancer Awareness Month Webinar (Chinese & English)


    This Lung Cancer Awareness Month webinar is hosted in both English and Chinese. Comprehensive knowledge about lung cancer symptoms, screening, diagnosis and treatments, as well as the cutting-edge surgeries and research of lung cancer.

  • 前列腺癌的預防與治療 Prostate Cancer Health and Robotic Surgery (Chinese & English)
    腹腔鏡和機器人手術的演變和當前應用 華人醫療服務部泌尿科專業講座十分精彩,不僅為大家講解了前列腺癌的防治與治療,還介紹了腹腔鏡和機器人手術在泌尿科方面的演變和應用。 This Prostate Cancer webinar is hosted in both English and Chinese. Prostate Cancer prevention and treatment, the history of laparoscopic and robotic surgery, and its evolution and current applications.
  • 把握“腸”識,健康“腸”在!- Colon Cancer Awareness Month Webinar (Webinar in Chinese)
    This Colon Cancer Awareness Month webinar will be hosted in Chinese. Guest speakers include Dr. Karen Lin, MD, MS, and Dr. Faye Yin, MD. Sponsored by the RWJUH and Monmouth Medical Center Chinese Medical Program.
  • 我只是年龄大了, 还是我有什麽病? - Aging? What’s Wrong with Me? (Webinar in Chinese)

    華人醫療服務部阿尔兹海默症健康月網絡專題講座,老年癡呆 vs 认知障礙 vs 阿尔兹海默症, 如何诊断阿尔兹海默症,参加罗格斯华人健康研究。

    Chinese Medical Program Alzheimer’s Disease Awareness Month Webinar. Dementia vs Alzheimer’s Disease, how to diagnose Alzheimer’s disease, join Rutgers Health research project.

  • 10月乳癌健康月 Breast Cancer Awareness (Webinar in Chinese and English)


    Everything you need to know about Breast Cancer. Great information and comprehensive Breast Cancer knowledge for patients, family, as well as cutting-edge surgeries and clinical trials in this field.

  • 害羞的腎 — The Shy Kidneys (Webinar in Chinese)

    血尿;腎結石;透析. Amazing talk about prevention and treatment of chronic kidney disease; renal hypertension; hematuria; proteinuria; kidney stones and dialysis.

  • 人類健康殺手 — 中風 A Leading Cause of Death — Stroke (Webinar in Chinese)

    May is National Stroke Awareness Month. Stroke is a leading cause of death and serious disability nationwide and around the world. But it doesn’t have to be. Knowing the signs and acting fast can make all the difference. RWJUH Neurosurgeon will tell you everything about strokes.


  • AI and New Technologies of Screening for Heart Disease – (in both English and Chinese)


    Learn about the cutting-edge technology, AI, and new technologies of screening for heart disease. This eye-opening webinar will let you know how the new technologies are transforming cardiac care.


  • Diabetes and You - Living Well with Diabetes - (in Chinese)

    11月糖尿病健康月講座: 血糖和您 — 相伴兩不怨

    November is Diabetes Awareness Month. The Chinese Medical Program is hosting another Health Education Webinar for the Chinese community: “Diabetes and You — Living Well with Diabetes.”

    11月是糖尿病健康月, 華人醫療服務部將在11月17日為華人社區舉辦“血糖和您 — 相伴兩不怨”網絡健康講座, 特邀內分泌科王湘兵醫師和家醫科林偉如醫師共同解答您的問題,主要内容包括與血糖和平相處,COVID-19 和糖尿病,糖尿病新藥。Key topics include: 與血糖和平相處, COVID-19和糖尿病, 糖尿病新藥

  • Prevention Is Better than Treatment (in Chinese)

    Prevention is better than treatment. Do not forget routine screenings during the pandemic. Also learn about the third dose of COVID-19 vaccine, and what the difference is between an "additional vaccine dose" and a "booster dose."
    華人醫療服務部“新疫期間,別忘了預防篩檢”網絡健康講座, 林偉如家庭醫生强調預防甚於治療,也希望大家重視篩檢及各項預防性檢查。講座中她同時分享並回答了很多第三針追加疫苗和補强疫苗的不同,及疫情的最新資訊。
  • COVID-19 Vaccine Webinar: Past, Present and Future (in Chinese)

    Learn about the COVID-19 vaccine and what it means for you and your family: vaccine safety, efficacy and side effects; summer camp, back to school; and domestic and international travel.
    學習並瞭解COVID-19冠狀病毒疫苗的所有相關問題,及其對您和家人的意義: 安全性, 有效性, 副作用; 夏令營, 返校上課; 國內外旅行需知。