Rehabilitation Services
Through the Department of Rehabilitation Services, patients have access
to a variety of specialists and professionals, a compassionate support
staff and a variety of exercise equipment. Programs are available to patients
under the medical direction of a physiatrist (doctor specializing in physical
rehabilitation), who oversees their total treatment. Appointments are
necessary for all therapy, consultations and testing.
Physical Therapy
Physical Therapy provides orthopedic rehabilitation for sports injuries, fractures, arthritis, amputations, joint replacement and tendonitis. The department also provides neurological rehabilitation for strokes, multiple sclerosis, cord injuries, Parkinson’s disease and balance disorders.
Prosthetic and Orthotic Clinic
The Prosthetic and Orthotic Clinic offers a full array of services including:
- Patient evaluation
- Upper and lower extremity prosthetics and orthotics
All patients receive appropriate follow-up referrals for training with their devices.
Occupational Therapy
Occupational Therapy promotes independent and safe functioning in self-care, and facilitates a patient’s return to the community following illness, injury or disability.
Patients receive training in everyday tasks such as dressing and bathing, preparing a meal, or managing a home. A hand rehabilitation program for all types of hand injuries and dysfunctions is also available.
Speech-Language Therapy
Speech-Language Therapy provides help for patients of all ages and disorders including:
- Stroke
- Dysphagia (swallowing disorders)
- Laryngectomy
- Delayed language development
- Articulation (pronunciation errors)
- Stuttering
- Voice problems
- Neurological disorders
Balance Fall Prevention Program
The Balance Fall Prevention Program uses a computer-assisted variable stability platform to test one’s ability to maintain balance and determine risk of falling. Patients will also undergo blood work and bone densitometry testing. Those found to have a balance disorder will undergo an individualized therapy plan.
Who Should Be Routinely Screened?
- Anyone who has a history of falling
- Anyone 55 years of age or older
- Anyone who complains of dizziness
- Anyone expressing a fear of falling
- Anyone 50 years of age or older who is having difficulty adjusting to wearing new glasses, especially bifocals; and/or has deteriorating hearing or previously undiagnosed hearing loss which requires treatment or hearing device.
Hours of Operation
The Department of Rehabilitation Services is open Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Evening hours are also available for physical therapy.