Cord Blood Banking Program

TCouple with New Babyhese days, many parents-to-be are choosing to save their baby’s cord blood for the valuable and therapeutic stem cells it contains. Cooperman Barnabas offers access to the most complete cord blood banking service available, to help best prepare families for the future. Included are options to bank either cord blood alone or to maximize the number of stem cells banked by collecting placental stem cells as well.

Since 1865, Cooperman Barnabas Medical Center has been providing the highest quality care to patients in New Jersey. Through our program with LifebankUSA™, Cooperman Barnabas extends that legacy of service excellence into the area of placental and cord blood stem cell banking.

Right now, cord blood stem cells are being successfully used to treat a variety of diseases and conditions. And Cooperman Barnabas recognizes the even greater therapeutic potential both placental and cord blood stem cells hold for the future of medicine. Every year, our health care professionals deliver more babies than any other hospital in New Jersey—babies who may see the benefits of these breakthrough therapies within their lifetimes. Because more and more parents are choosing to bank placental and cord blood stem cells, Cooperman Barnabas has extended its childbirth support through its relationship with LifebankUSA.

LifebankUSA is a New Jersey–based company and one of the leading cord blood banks in the country. As part of Celgene Corporation, LifebankUSA is dedicated not only to providing cord blood banking services to its clients, but furthering the therapeutic possibilities of stem cells. That commitment is one of the many differences that keeps LifebankUSA at the forefront of cord blood banking and stem cell advances.

If you are considering cord blood/placenta banking, now is the time to find out about your options and make arrangements with an agency. For further information call 1-877-543-3226. Learn more about LifebankUSA. If you are planning on cord blood banking please let the nurses know upon admission.

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  • “I have to commend the staff at the medical center. We were treated with the utmost respect and competence.”

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  • Thanks to one of the best Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) doctors in the country, Simone’s treatment was already started.

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