Childbirth Education

mom and baby Cooperman Barnabas Medical Center is now offering virtual classes and support groups for expecting and new moms. To learn more and register for the following, visit our online calendar and search by program name. For the Childbirth Preparation and Breastfeeding Basics Classes, please complete a virtual class registration form (PDF) and return as noted. Please call 973-322-5360 for more information.

  • Virtual Childbirth Preparation Class
  • Virtual Breastfeeding Basics Class
  • Virtual New Moms Circle
  • Virtual Pregnancy Support Circle
  • Virtual Mommies Moods Group
  • Virtual Perinatal Moods and Anxiety Disorders Support Group
  • Virtual Breastfeeding Support Group

Patient Stories

  • “I have to commend the staff at the medical center. We were treated with the utmost respect and competence.”

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  • Thanks to one of the best Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) doctors in the country, Simone’s treatment was already started.

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  • “We had our list of names narrowed down to 6 or 7, but we thought we had several weeks left to make the final decision. I was keeping the names a secret from family, but planned to share the top 3 with a close friend who would give honest, impartial ...

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Patient Stories

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  • Watch Testimonial
  • Watch Testimonial