Infant Apnea Program

Many premature infants may develop apneas (temporary stopping of breathing) in the first few weeks or months of their lives. This program provides follow-up assessment, evaluation and data interpretation for infants on home apnea monitors. These monitors, prescribed by a doctor, are utilized when a baby is at risk for apnea, a condition which occurs when a baby stops breathing or has a low heart rate (bradycardia).

The team includes neonatologists, case managers and a nurse coordinator, all with training and experience in the evaluation and treatment of infants on apnea monitors.

Patient Stories

  • "We always felt cared for and supported. We couldn’t be more grateful for the care we received."

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  • There are no words to describe what this gift means to me. To us. To our whole family.

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  • "Every interaction made me feel like Quinn was getting the best care possible, and for that I am forever appreciative."

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Patient Stories

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