undefinedFor Your Safety & Security

RWJ Hamilton is committed to providing a safe environment for our patients. Please help us to achieve a safe environment by playing an active role in your care. Please read this information and share it with your family.

Identification Bands

Your identification band is the safest way for our health care team to establishproper ID of all our patients. The wrist identification band that you receive uponadmission should not be removed during your stay. The ID band provides positiveidentification to all those who serve you and acts as a safeguard for yourprotection.

Please check that the information on the band is correct, and show this bracelet to the nurse or therapist each time you take a test, drug, or procedure.

Allergy Identification

Inform your nurse of any allergies or reactions you have experienced in the past.You will be provided with a red wristband if you have known allergies tomedications or products to be avoided.


All medications you take while you are in the hospital are prescribed by yourdoctor, dispensed by the hospital pharmacy and administered by a nurse. Patientsare generally not permitted to administer their own drugs or keep personalmedications at their bedside. We encourage you to ask questions and raise concerns about medications youreceive. Our nursing staff will check your identification wristband as verificationthat you are receiving the correct drug.Become familiar with the medications you are receiving or need to receive.Question the nurse as to the name of the drug and why you are receiving it. Ask ifthere are any side effects to expect. We are more than happy to keep you informed.

Surgical Procedures

If you’re having surgery, procedures are in place to be sure your operation isperformed on the correct site. As a double precaution, the procedure site will bemarked in advance. When appropriate, your physician may order surgical infectionprevention measures including: medications to prevent infection (antibiotics),clipping hair prior to surgery, and blood thinning medications and/or specialstockings that promote circulation and prevent blood clots.Alert your health care provider for any of the following:

  • Redness or swelling at the incision site
  • Increased or discolored drainage from the incision site
  • Elevated temperature
  • Chills
  • Discharge

    When being discharged from the hospital, ask your doctor or health professional tothoroughly explain the treatment plan you will follow at home, your medicationsand your follow-up visit to the office if necessary. Most important, never hesitateto ask questions or raise your concerns. Your participation helps us provideexcellent service to meet the needs of our patients.

    Patient Stories

    • "The care was superb."

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    • “Getting a transplant has changed my life completely. I am very grateful.”

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    • After open heart surgery, 7-year-old Lily's biggest concern was the availability of blue ice pops and the unpleasant taste of acetaminophen. “Considering that she had open heart surgery, I'll take those complaints any day!” said her mother, Denise.

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    Patient Stories

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