Volunteer Opportunities at RWJUH Hamilton

Welcome to the Volunteer Resource Department at Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital Hamilton and thank you for your interest in our program! We offer volunteer programs for adults and teens.

Volunteers play a vital role in the high-quality care that Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital Hamilton is known for, and help us enhance the patient and visitor experience every day.

By becoming a volunteer, you are choosing to be part of a dynamic team who truly touches the lives of patients, families, visitors, and staff. By contributing both your time and talent, you’ll be helping others, meeting new people, and learning new skills. While this is a very rewarding experience, it also requires a significant commitment - both in terms of service hours and the prerequisites that must be met as part of our process.

Our volunteers assist in vital roles in many areas of the hospital. Together we engage, collaborate, and partner as volunteers providing invaluable time, attention, knowledge, and skills.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why should I volunteer at Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital Hamilton?

While volunteers offer their services free of charge, they receive many benefits: They meet new people, make new friends, share their knowledge or learn new skills, and most of all, volunteers receive the satisfaction that comes from being needed and helping others. Volunteering at Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital Hamilton gives you the opportunity to experience all of this in a world-class health care setting. Having a background in volunteer services can also be beneficial when you are applying for education or employment opportunities.

Do you always need volunteers?

We almost always need qualified and committed volunteers. At certain times of the year, our program reaches capacity and we cannot accept new applications at those times.

Will I be able to shadow a doctor, other health care professional or have a clinical experience when I volunteer at the medical center?

Volunteers serve to meet the non-clinical needs of the hospital. The Volunteer Resource Department does not offer internship or shadowing opportunities. Volunteers do not provide or participate in clinical care.

If I become a volunteer, will I get a job at the hospital?

While volunteering is a great way to enhance your resume, it is not a way to increase your chance of employment at Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital Hamilton. If you are seeking employment, please go to our Online Career Center.

What is the time commitment required for being a volunteer?

The minimum time commitment is three to four hours per week for one year or more. You must be able to commit to volunteering on a weekly basis.

What are the hours?

Most volunteer assignments fall during regular business hours, M-F, 9am to 5pm. You may inquire about opportunities outside of regular business hours.

Can I choose my volunteer assignment?

We listen carefully to prospective volunteers' interests and goals during the interview process and make every effort to place them in positions that will be interesting to them and applicable to their skill set, while still meeting the needs of the hospital. Every effort is made to place a volunteer in their preferred area, but it is not always possible.

What are the age requirements?

The minimum age to volunteer is 15 years of age for the Junior Volunteer program. Adults, including college students, of all ages are welcome to join the adult program.

How long does it take for a volunteer application to be processed?

On average, the entire process takes 4-6 weeks. All application requirements must be met prior to starting.

Is there a dress code?

Yes, all volunteers will be issued a volunteer uniform and security ID badge, matched with business attire. The dress code will be reviewed in detail during orientation. A professional, groomed appearance is required for all volunteers at all times.

How do I apply for the adult volunteer program?

Adult applicants, including college students, are encouraged to follow the link below to complete a Volunteer Interest Form. Find additional information about our adult volunteer program here.

Volunteer Interest Form

How do I apply for the junior volunteer program?

Applicants for our Junior Volunteer program (high school freshman, sophomores and juniors age 15 – 18) must complete the Volunteer Interest Form during the open application period to be added to our waiting list. You can find additional information about our Junior Volunteer program here

Can I volunteer for just the summer?

Unfortunately, our program requires a full year commitment, or more. As such, summer only (or other school breaks) opportunities are not available.

For more information about volunteering at Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital, please call, 609-631-6981 or email rwjhamiltonvolunteers@rwjbh.org.

Patient Stories

  • Dr. Mehta didn’t just help me treat my symptoms—she empowered me to reclaim my health and my life.

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  • “My main goal with rehab is to be able to walk my dog, Cassie, with my husband again,” says Betty. “I also want to be able to take my daughter, granddaughter and great-granddaughter clothes shopping.”

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  • “It was like a miracle. I realized that I needed to stop suffering and start living.”

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Patient Stories

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