Holistic Integrative Medicine Program

What Is Integrative Therapy?

flower in gardenIntegrative therapy is a combination of the technology and expertise of traditional medicine with the healing wisdom of complementary therapies. This whole-body approach works to enhance and stimulate the body’s natural ability to heal, create a state of wellness and faster an improved quality of life. Our physicians, nurses, educators and other holistic practitioners combine their expertise to offer you leading-edge therapies and a high-quality educational experience.

Integrative therapy can help you:

  • Lower stress levels
  • Reduce negative feelings
  • Manage a medical condition
  • Prepare for surgery

Partner With the Power of Art and Nature for Optimal Health and Well-Being

The RWJUH Hamilton Integrative Medicine Program focuses on healing the whole person – addressing the range of physical, emotional, mental, social, spiritual and environmental influences that affect each patients’ health.

Our team works with you to create a personalized care plan to support your best health. Centered on natural remedies – evidence-based, holistic treatment techniques and wellness therapies – we address your health concerns and their underlying causes. Rest assured, these treatments do not interfere with traditional medications. In fact, this program is specially-designed to complement existing treatment plans prescribed by your oncologist, primary care, and specialty physicians.

A Holistic Approach to Health Care

Patients and their families benefit from our holistic approach to health care while at RWJ Hamilton and The Cancer Institute of New Jersey Hamilton. Take advantage of these proven complementary medicine approaches to maximize your body’s potential for self-healing.

  • Art therapy - This expressive art program, lead by several local artists, uses creativity as a means of self discovery. Especially designed for our patients living with cancer, and their families, who are looking for a supportive environment in which to explore the healing power of their imaginations. Each workshop uses a different medium to capture the essence of healing. Please call 609-584-5900 for a workshop schedule and to register.
  • Kinetic massage - Offered twice per week, this gentle, noninvasive massage therapy brings the body back into balance, often alleviating pain.
  • Music therapy
    • Harp Therapy - Enjoy the comforting sounds of the harp shared by professional musicians. If you’re interested, you can also learn to play the harp. Harpists visit the Cancer Center regularly throughout the week.
  • Meditation
    • Sound Meditation - Available daily. Relax and sooth using an iPod Shuffle available during your visit.
    • Mantra & Meditation Bead Therapy - Enjoy them for relaxation and mindfulness therapy. Ask your nurse about mantra and meditation bead therapy.
  • Nutrition Counseling - Eat yourself strong and healthy before, during and after your cancer treatment. Individual nutrition counseling is available by appointment. Fun and delicious classes are also available for you and your family in the Healthy Cooking Kitchen at the RWJUH Hamilton Fitness & Wellness Center. Please call 609-584-5900 to schedule your nutrition counseling appointment and for cooking class schedules and registration.
  • Pet therapy - If you love interacting with animals, let us know! We will arrange for a visit from a furry friend during your treatment.
  • Reiki - These specially-trained professionals are available on-site for your relaxation. Ask a nurse to request a visit from a reiki specialist.
  • Refashioning with makeup and wigs - Skincare and makeup experts are available to help you look your best! Please call 609-584-5900 to schedule your appointment.
  • Spiritual Enrichment Sessions - Chaplains are available for individual pastoral counseling sessions, twice weekly.

Read our brochure for a full listing of programs and workshops.

RWJ Hamilton Grounds for Healing

gardenThroughout history, people have cultivated gardens, knowing them instinctively as places that hold restorative powers. Recent research concludes that patients in health care facilities who have natural views have shorter post-operative stays, experience fewer post-operative stays, experience fewer post-operative complications and take less pain medication. Such evidence led RWJ Hamilton to build areas throughout its campus that offer visitors a natural, soothing environment. A partnership with Grounds For Sculpture, a public sculpture park based in Hamilton, NJ, has led to the creation of four beautiful, distinct Grounds For Healing on our campus.

Integrative Therapy Advisory Committee

The Integrative Therapy Advisory Committee is an interdisciplinary group of physicians and other health care providers who guide the selection of the holistic therapies, classes and events that we offer to the community using evidence-based practice (EBP). EBP examines the effectiveness of holistic approaches using recent research, clinical observations and patients’ reports.

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Patient Stories

  • "That hospital saved my life."

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  • “The top three things that bring us back to RWJUH Hamilton are the physicians, the nurses and the atmosphere, says MaryAnn. “

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  • “I have her butterfly pin on the table next to my bed as a constant reminder to stop dwelling on what is wrong in the world and let in the light. And as I learned recently, the name Lucinda means ‘light.’”

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Patient Stories

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