The Pulmonary Rehabilitation Center

3D image of lungs

  • Are you short of breath?
  • Do you have a lingering or constant cough?
  • Do you have a history of lung problems?
  • Did you ever smoke?

The Pulmonary Rehabilitation Program at Cooperman Barnabas Medical Center, accredited by the American Association of Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Rehabilitation (AACVPR), offers patients an educational and supportive program monitored by trained medical professionals. Nutritionists, physical therapists, and licensed clinical respiratory care personal form a team dedicated to better breathing through pulmonary rehabilitation.

The Program is designed to aid people with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (C.O.P.D.) such as Emphysema, Chronic Bronchitis, Asthma, Bronchiectasis, Cystic Fibrosis, and many other breathing problems maintain and improve the quality of their lives. Through early intervention and individually planned and designed education, therapy, exercise, motivation and lifestyle adjustment programs, you can once again take control of your daily activities and lives.

What Are the Benefits of Pulmonary Rehabilitation?

The overall goal and benefit of the Pulmonary Rehabilitation Program is to improve the quality of your life through:

  • Increased knowledge of your pulmonary disease and self-care management
  • Recognition of early symptoms of declining health
  • Increased ability to tolerate daily living activities
  • Improved occupational status
  • Improved psychosocial and emotional well-being
  • Reduced risk for infection
  • Reduced need for hospitalization
  • Minimized symptoms associated with your pulmonary disease
  • Increased control of your life

What Are the Components of Pulmonary Rehabilitation?

The components of pulmonary rehabilitation are evaluation, exercise and education. Each component is designed to help you breathe easier, and maintain and improve the quality of your life.


The gathering of appropriate medical information is essential in assessing the extent of your disease, in goal setting and in designing your personalized program. Upon your first visit, an individual assessment is performed to help plan your customized program and tailor your rehabilitation goals. Staff will also work with your personal physician to obtain information.


Along with education, you will also participate in an individually tailored exercise program designed to help you increase your tolerance for daily activities.


Educational topics related to your individual needs will be discussed and reinforced at each session. Our aim is to aid you in using the tools available that will allow you to live more comfortably within your breathing limitations. Nutritional counseling, stress management and pharmaceutical support is also available.


Upon completion of all the components of your monitored pulmonary rehabilitation program at Cooperman Barnabas, you will have the option of continuing rehabilitation in the Supervised Program.

How Do I Enter the Program?

Discuss your needs with your pulmonologist or personal physician to determine if pulmonary rehabilitation will benefit you and your condition. Your physician must refer you to the program and will be responsible for managing your care. If you choose to participate, the Cooperman Barnabas staff will coordinate your admittance, which is dependent upon necessary medical requirements.

For more information, please call our Pulmonary Rehabilitation specialists at Cooperman Barnabas Medical Center, 973-322-8926. We will be glad to answer your questions.

Patient Stories

  • “Dr. Hasan went through every symptom he was experiencing and made it real. She listened. She was exactly what we needed after getting the diagnosis of long-haul Covid.”

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  • “It’s a great program, and I am enjoying it. The staff is just wonderful, so helpful.”

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  • Lisa made me feel at ease immediately. She tested my voice, suggested voice exercises, role modeled them, and allowed my son to take video of me mirror imaging Lisa for practice at home

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Patient Stories

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