Important Information About Visitation Guidelines

at Children's Specialized Hospital

Effective April 1, 2024

The safety and well-being of our patients, visitors and staff is our number one priority. Please be aware of the following guidelines before visiting one of our hospitals or health care facilities. Additionally, for the purposes of the below visitation policy, the concept of parenthood encompasses, without limitation, legal parents, foster parents, same sex parents, step parents, those serving in loco parentis and other persons operating in caregiver roles.

Please be aware of the following guidelines before visiting one of our hospitals or health care facilities — visitation exceptions may be made in certain circumstances:

  • Pediatric Long-Term Care Units
    Visitation may vary based on New Jersey Department of Health guidelines. Please contact the individual units for further information.
  • Inpatient Rehab Unit: Parents and guardians can visit 24/7 with sleeping accommodations for one at bedside. Grandparents and siblings (of any age) can visit from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. Non-family visitors can visit from 1 p.m. to 8 p.m. Four people may visit with a patient on the unit at a time. One parent/guardian may sleep at bedside overnight.
    • No visitors under 16 years-old EXCEPT sibling, grandchild, child of patient if essential to visit, and must wear mask during visit. Children age two and under and individuals with special needs or physical ailments who cannot wear a mask will NOT be restricted from visiting.
  • Outpatient Sites: Two parents/guardians/caregivers and siblings will be permitted per patient. Patients with physical disabilities or where the disability may be due to altered mental status, intellectual or cognitive disability, communication barriers or behavioral concerns will also be permitted an additional support person.

We encourage family members and friends to use alternative ways to interact with their loved ones, including phone calls, Facetime, Skype and other means.

Extenuating circumstances to the temporary guidelines and individual requests will always be considered based on the best interest and needs of the individual patient. These extenuating circumstances include but are not limited to:

  • Patients on hospice or at the end of life
  • Patients who are critically unstable
  • Patients undergoing surgery or procedures (ONE single-time visitor immediately after the procedure may be permitted)
  • Patients in need of a medical guardian or decision-maker
  • At the discretion of the hospital, one visitor may be able to accompany a patient in Ambulatory Care or other outpatient areas

Safety Measures

    All visitors are expected to adhere to the following safety protocols:

    • Clean your hands before and after your visit.
    • Be aware of maintaining physical distancing.

    Personal Protective Equipment

    Effective April 1, 2024, masking is optional at all locations for staff, providers, patients, visitors, volunteers and vendors.

    Please note:

    • Masking may still be required for certain patients on standard infection prevention protocols, and/or on units responsible for the care of vulnerable patients at the determination of each site.
    • Masks continue to be available to staff, providers, patients, visitors, volunteers and vendors in our facilities.
    • Masking is requested of all patients who present with respiratory symptoms, if tolerated, as well as all staff members and providers caring for them.
    • Should a patient request their caregivers wear a mask, staff and providers are expected to comply.

    If an individual is permitted to visit a COVID-19-positive patient because of extenuating circumstances or if a patient is on isolation precautions, they will be provided with and must wear appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) as recommended by the CDC. Staff will direct the visitor on the appropriate PPE. If a visitor refuses to wear a mask or other PPE as indicated, that individual will be asked to leave the facility.

    Prior to and During the Visit

    All visitors must perform hand hygiene before visiting a patient.

    Once in the hospital or facility, visitors shall remain in the patient’s room as much as possible throughout the visit, except when directed by hospital or facility staff to leave during an aerosol-generating procedure or other procedures in which visitors are usually asked to leave.

    All visitors must comply with all reasonable requirements imposed by the hospital or facility to minimize the potential spread of infection.

    Gatherings of family members, friends and other acquaintances of the patient in family lounges, waiting areas, the lobby, cafeterias or restaurants on campus is not permitted.

    CSH understands that a hospitalization can be a stressful and uncertain time for many. The visitation policy reflects our commitment to addressing the needs of our patients while prioritizing the safety of all those who enter our facilities.

    Our staff and physicians are here to support you and your loved ones and will take into consideration any requests that are made beyond the parameters of this policy in the best interest of the patient.

    With guidance from the New Jersey Hospital Association, New Jersey Department of Health, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and regional and local health departments, we are taking all the necessary steps to ensure the health, well-being and safety of our patients, our staff and the communities we serve.

    When not available to visit, we encourage family members and friends to use alternative ways to interact with their loved ones, including phone calls, FaceTime, Skype and other means.

    In-Room Virtual Visits

    We thank you in advance for your understanding and patience.

    Patient Stories

    • "I am grateful for my time spent at Children’s Specialized Hospital during my adolescent years and I plan to continue to excel in my advocacy work to support people with disabilities in the state of New Jersey."

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    • “I tell other kids with disabilities that it takes time and patience, and it’s the little things that truly mean the most. The little things will lead to big things.”

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    • When reflecting back on his time in the Spinal Cord Rehabilitation Program, Adrian said, “I had fun the entire time.”

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    Patient Stories

    • Watch Testimonial
    • Watch Testimonial
    • Watch Testimonial