Tools and Resources for Providers

  • Distinguished Lecture Series

Children’s Specialized Hospital Research Center is proud to provide our Distinguished Lecture Series, a free research education program for health care professionals. World-renowned researcher scientists present on various topics affecting health care today. Click here to learn more.

  • Child Development

  • Safety

Patient Stories

  • After open heart surgery, 7-year-old Lily's biggest concern was the availability of blue ice pops and the unpleasant taste of acetaminophen. “Considering that she had open heart surgery, I'll take those complaints any day!” said her mother, Denise.

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  • When reflecting back on his time in the Spinal Cord Rehabilitation Program, Adrian said, “I had fun the entire time.”

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  • “The entire diagnosis process at Children’s Specialized Hospital was so quick – it was a miracle to have answers,”

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Patient Stories

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  • Watch Testimonial
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