Transition to Adulthood Resources: Employment

person with disability and their co-worker working in a small business


Career Opportunities

  • Beloved Bath
    • Beloved Bath was designed to show the world that people with Autism can and are productive members of society.
  • Popcorn for the People
    • Popcorn for the People was established to create career opportunities for the disabled community.
  • Spectrum Works
    • Spectrum Works is a unique nonprofit that creates job opportunities for individuals with autism by building inclusive workforces at companies.

Patient Stories

  • “I feel stronger, independent, and more adaptable thanks to my therapy sessions at Children’s Specialized Hospital.”

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  • "I am grateful for my time spent at Children’s Specialized Hospital during my adolescent years and I plan to continue to excel in my advocacy work to support people with disabilities in the state of New Jersey."

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  • “I tell other kids with disabilities that it takes time and patience, and it’s the little things that truly mean the most. The little things will lead to big things.”

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Patient Stories

  • Watch Testimonial
  • Watch Testimonial
  • Watch Testimonial