Chronic Health Conditions Research

The Research Center’s studies in chronic health conditions focus on the management and treatment of various conditions ranging from diabetes, and Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), to the impacts of Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome (NAS) on early development.

Our Current Studies

Evaluating a Multidisciplinary Chronic Illness Management Program for Children and Adolescents: This study investigates the effectiveness of the Chronic Illness Management Program at Children’s Specialized Hospital, specifically among patients with diabetes. Learn more about the Chronic Illness Management Program. Learn more about the Chronic Illness Management Program at Children’s Specialized Hospital.

Validating the University of Alabama Behavioral Scale (UAB) in the Chronic Pain Program for Children and Adolescents: To validate the UAB scale by conducting an observational assessment of chronic pain and behavioral correlates in a pediatric population admitted to an inpatient rehabilitation program for chronic pain. This scale has been used in adults with chronic pain; however, our aim is to validate the scale for use with children and adolescents. Learn more about Center for Pediatric Chronic Pain Management at Children's Specialized Hospital.

More Studies in Chronic Health Conditions

Inpatient Sleep Patterns and Engagement in Rehabilitation Therapy - This pilot study seeks to understand the sleep patterns of a pediatric inpatient rehabilitation population, and how sleep patterns may affect the patient’s alertness, engagement in therapies, and cooperation.

Neurocognitive Correlates of Action Control in Attention/Deficit-Hyperactivity Disorder - This study aims to characterize the behavioral correlates and neural correlates of action control and the effects of methylphenidate in patients with ADHD.

Understanding neonatal abstinence syndrome (NAS) - The goal of this study is to describe infant withdrawal outcomes from an NAS treatment program that uses a combination of pharmacotherapy and environmental supports.

Infant Toddler Clinical Tracks - A qualitative study of the Infant/Toddler Clinical Tracks to investigate the process and rationale behind targeted rehabilitation approaches.

Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome Follow Up - This study aims to assess the developmental outcomes in patients with a NAS diagnosis in the perinatal period, who are being followed through the High Risk Neonatal Follow Up Clinic.

Validation of Infant-Toddler Parent Report Outcome Measure (PROM) - This study aims to validate the CSH-created PROM for measuring parent knowledge and comfort related to care of infants and toddlers with complex needs.

Sertraline Pediatric Registry for the Evaluation of Safety (SPRITES) - A non-interventional, longitudinal, cohort study to evaluate the effects of long-term sertraline (Zoloft) treatment in children and adolescents .

Assuring Patient-centered Literacy Promotion for Underserved Children (A PLUS) to Promote School Readiness - This is a 4 year project supported by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation that develops and tests a video and text messaging intervention to enhance Reach Out and Read and encourage shared reading between parents and young children.

Ready and Healthy for Kindergarten - A family literacy program that uses discussion of health topics to introduce early literacy and language skills among dual language learners.

Adverse childhood experiences and child development - This study uses data from the Fragile Families study to gain insight into relationships between early adversity and child development.

Interpretation and translation services in pediatrics - This study examines access issues related to limited English proficiency and current practices related to language access.

Our Recent Publications

Marchetta, C. M., Maruyama, R., Galifi, L., & O'Reilly, C. Evaluating a Multidisciplinary Inpatient Program for Youth with Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus. Pediatric Diabetes. In Press

Shahidullah, Jeffrey, et al. 'Implementation of Developmental Screening by Childcare Providers.' Infants & Young Children 33.1 (2020): 21-34.

Larson, J. J., Graham, D. L., Singer, L. T., Beckwith, A. M., Terplan, M., Davis, J. M., ... & Bada, H. S. (2019). Cognitive and behavioral impact on children exposed to opioids during pregnancy. Pediatrics, 144(2), e20190514.

For a full list of publications, please click here.

Program Highlight: Chronic Illness Management

The Chronic Illness Management Program at Children's Specialized Hospital is a comprehensive inpatient program for children with chronic, life-altering conditions who have demonstrated the need for additional support to better manage their condition. The program provides the child and family with a structured, comprehensive service plan to address their medical, nutritional, psychological, and communication needs to enhance the child's total well-being.

Learn more about this program.

Patient Stories

  • “My care team was definitely a team of angels in disguise. They never gave up on me.”

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  • “You never want to put your child through surgery, but we realized this was the best time in the best place with the best surgeon. I wouldn’t change a thing.”

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  • “I have so much trust in them to get him to the next goal they have for him. His therapists are excited to see that he’s growing and changing for the better and, as a parent, this makes you feel confident and calm.”

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