Treatment & CareUrologyFemale Urology - Reconstructive Sur ...

Female Urology – Reconstructive Surgery

Treatment for Stress Incontinence

Stress urinary incontinence usually occurs during physical activities. For some women, anything from lifting or jogging, to simply laughing, may cause leakage. One of the newest advances in treating incontinence is a minimally invasive technique called the self-fixating mid-urethral sling. This sling supports and secures the urethra in its natural position, thus deterring or limiting the amount of urine leakage.

There are a variety of approaches to attaching the sling, and your physician will find the one tailored to meet your specific needs. A self-fixating mid-urethral sling procedure can be performed in 30 minutes, and most patients return to full activity within two weeks.

While the sling procedure is earning a high success rate, there is a yet another established option to treating stress urinary incontinence. The implantation of bulking agents around the patient's urethra helps to deter or limit the amount of leakage, without interfering with a woman's natural ability to urinate. This procedure, achieved through injection, is very low risk and performed right in our office with the use of local anesthesia.

Treatment for Neurogenic Lower Urinary Tract Condition and Refractory Overactive Bladder

If you frequently have a sudden, intense urge to urinate, you may be experiencing urge incontinence, often referred to as an "overactive bladder." Medications or complex treatments used to be the only way to treat urge incontinence, but today, you have options.

A urologist at Robert Wood Johnson Female physician reassuring female patientUniversity Hospital can manage your urge incontinence, bladder obstruction, or urinary retention through delivering an application of Botulinium toxin type A to your lower urinary tract. This option is minimally invasive and can be conveniently performed in our office.

Our facility also offers relief for lower urinary tract refractory conditions through a therapy called sacral neuromodulation. The sacral nerves influence the actions of your bladder, sphincter, and pelvic floor. During sacral neuromodulation, your urologist will implant a neuro-stimulator and lead to generate electrical pulses to those nerves. This breakthrough procedure has been proven safe and effective in relieving urinary urge incontinence, non-obstructive urinary retention, and urgency-frequency syndrome.

Surgery for Pelvic Organ Prolapse

When pelvic organs such as the bladder or uterus become loose or herniated, repair through surgery is an option to discuss with a urologist at Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital. There are several surgical and minimally invasive techniques, like laparoscopy and robotics, available to repair pelvic organ prolapse. Laparoscopic abdominal sacrocolpopexy has shown excellent results compared to open surgery, and for many women, this results in less post-op pain, a shorter hospital stay, and a quicker return to normal activities. A discussion with your urologist can determine which is the best approach to take to restore normal function and composition.