Your Hospital Experience
Delivering Joy Every Day
This is such an exciting time for you and your family, and we're so happy
to be a part of it. At Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital,
we want your experience to be stellar. We're here to answer any questions
(even if you have a lot of them!), and our caring, knowledgeable staff
can address any personal needs or preferences you may have. We look forward
to sharing this very special journey with you and your growing family.
Upon Your Arrival
Knowing what to expect prior to going into labor can relieve some anxiety. If you have contacted your doctor before coming to the hospital, we will be expecting you. Upon your arrival to the Labor and Delivery unit, you will be registered and escorted to a labor room, where every effort is made to accommodate your individual needs and to address your concerns.
Please note that the main hospital entrance is open from 6am to 11pm and the Emergency Department is open 24 hours a day.
Our Labor and Delivery Unit
At Bristol-Myers Squibb Children's Hospital at Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital, we deliver more than 2,500 babies per year. The Labor and Delivery unit is capable of handling uncomplicated low-risk births and the most high-risk deliveries. We also have a 4-bed triage loft for the evaluation of women prior to admission.
The labor, delivery and recovery (LDR) rooms are fully equipped with sophisticated medical and resuscitation equipment, as well as a computerized central fetal monitoring system that enables nurses and physicians to monitor laboring women from any area of the unit.
If there is a complication during childbirth or if a cesarean section is necessary, the surgery is performed in Labor and Delivery's operating room. The specially-trained BMSCH neonatal support team attends all high-risk deliveries and is available as needed for any delivery.
Coaching Comfort
While you are in labor, you are allowed two visitors in Labor and Delivery.
One is considered your support person who has 24/7 visitation rights,
and the other person can be your mother, sister, aunt or anyone else with
whom you'd like to share the childbirth experience - and be part of your
support team.
Anesthesia Availability
Anesthesia services are available in the Labor and Delivery unit 24 hours a day. There is always an anesthesiologist on the premises to deliver pain control. Women who are considered high risk may consult with an anesthesiologist before their due date. These include women who have had back surgery, are significantly overweight, or who suffer from cardiac, neurological or muscular disorders. Ask your obstetrician how to arrange that consultation.
When Your Baby Needs Special Care
There are times when newborns need the special care provided in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit or Special Care Unit. Here, babies are treated for a variety of issues, including prematurity, acute illness or congenital disorders, as well as for conditions requiring emergency surgery.
Making certain that parents understand their child's condition and keeping them updated on care and treatment is a priority. Learn more about our NICU.
Expectant parents whose infants may be at risk to be born with a problem are encouraged to talk with their obstetrician about visiting the center before their child's birth. Learn more about pregnancy-related health care for high-risk obstetric patients, or schedule a counseling session.
For Your Convenience
Complimentary refreshments and a microwave over are located in the Labor and Delivery and Postpartum pantries. If you have specific food needs, including having to comply with Jewish dietary laws, we have a special kosher menu that can be obtained from a member of our health care team.
In addition, a kosher nourishment area containing a refrigerator and a microwave oven is also available. It is regularly stocked and located on the First floor. Your visitors may dine at the hospital cafeteria, located on the Second floor of the main building. To-go snack options are available at the Safari Cafe, located on the First floor of BMSCH.
Photography Services
Professional newborn photography services are offered to capture the first moments with your baby in the comfort of your hospital room. These 15-minute photo sessions produce images that are posted to a password-protected website. An online slide show is available for you to view shortly after the photo shoot. You can share the access code to the slide show with whom you choose. There is no obligation to purchase. Moms can order digital images, prints or popular packages the same day or wait until they get home. Learn more about Bella Baby Photography