2019 Nursing Award Categories and Recipients

Transformational Leadership

Sandra Sanford Transformaitonal Leadership award
Sandra Sanford, Clinical Resource Nurse, led the 2E Unit Based Council and saw over 70% decrease in the fall rate on that unit, led the implementation of the SBAR handoff process for patient movement between units to improve the professional communication, and transitioned the Nurse Practice Council from a CNO/Director lead committee to a committee truly run by the nursing staff.

Structural Empowerment

Razel Abuan
Razel Abuan in 3E has been recognized by her peers for the work she has done being a Nurse Practice Council member and leading the Unit Based Council. Recently, the 3E Practice Council developed a patient brochure on alternatives to pain medications and Razel’s energy and direction facilitated participation of all staff to shift practice from exclusively giving medications to accompanying medications with holistic care, aroma therapy, massage and the simple gesture of touch.

Exemplary Professional Practice

Exemplary Professional Practice Deanna Pinkham
Deanna Pinkham in CCU is the recipient of this award for the work she has done on decreasing CAUTI’S and CLABSI’s. Deanna’s work has resulted in a dramatic decrease: it has been 74 days since our last CLABSI and there has not been a CAUTI since 4/28/17, 358 days!

Empirical Outcomes

Empirical Outcomes MJ Marcelo
MJ Marcelo from 3C for the work she has done on decreasing patient falls and increasing patient’s knowledge on medications and side effects. MJ represents Rahway on the system – wide falls collaborative. It was MJ’s idea to implement the red patient education folders to include a picture of medication bottles along with the key words side effects. This has now been adopted by the Patient Family Education Committee to go house-wide.

New Knowledge and Innovation

Racquel Bisda
Racquel Bisda in CCU who was recognized for the work she has done in promoting the use of capnography in the critical care setting. Her peers nominated Racquel for mentoring and supporting new staff, being a teacher, inspiring co-workers to learn and consistently demonstrates enthusiasm in the daily work. She assists families and encourages them to participate in care; she is recognized by them for being supportive.