Treat Compressed Nerves Early to Prevent Irreversible Damage

Nerves travel throughout the body to provide sensation and movement. There are certain areas in their course where they are vulnerable to compression (also known as entrapment). For example, there are tunnels in the body that nerves travel through that can become too tight for the nerve.
Nerve compression can also occur when there is a mass close by that applies pressure to the nerve. Symptoms vary from person to person, but often include numbness, tingling, burning, pain, weakness or hand “clumsiness.” These symptoms often worsen and become more frequent over time.
The most common example of nerve compression is carpal tunnel syndrome, in which the median nerve becomes compressed in the wrist.
Another common example is cubital tunnel syndrome, in which the ulnar nerve becomes compressed at the elbow.
Nerve compression should be addressed to avoid irreversible nerve damage.
Conservative measures such as splinting can often alleviate nerve compression, but sometimes surgery is recommended.
Our expert surgeons can perform nerve decompression to release tight bands or other sources of compression.
Learn more about peripheral nerve surgery at Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital.