Teen Volunteers
Our Teen Volunteer Program is currently at capacity. We are not accepting new inquiries or applications at this time and are not maintaining a wait list. Interested volunteers should check back here for updates to determine when applications are reopened.
Teen volunteers assist our patients, visitors, and staff with various tasks and projects. Our program does not include medical, education, internship or job shadow opportunities.
Teen Volunteer Service Requirements
Age: Minimum 15 years of age and completed 9th grade
Initial Informational Phone Call: Students should call us at 908-685-2952 and leave a message to request a brief phone discussion. Please allow up to 2-3 business days for a return call, and be sure to leave a contact number.
Personal Interview: Meet with the director of Volunteer Services.
Completed Application
Reference Form: to be completed by H.S. guidance counselor
Medical Attestation Form and Clearance: to be completed by student’s physician – includes all current medical requirements to ensure up to date immunization status, including the flu vaccine
Attendance at Orientation Program: this includes important safety and regulatory information necessary for all volunteers
Time Commitment: Volunteers are expected to serve a minimum of once per week and overall for one year or longer, according to set schedules
Dress Code: Volunteer uniform (polo shirt) along with business attire (no jeans/denim, shorts, or casual clothes)