Laser Ablation

Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital offers a new laser technology that utilizes light energy to destroy tumors within the brain, primary and metastatic on the spine, as well as target the area of the brain responsible for causing epileptic seizures.

Laser energy is delivered to the target area using a laser probe inserted directly into the target area. As light is delivered through the laser probe temperatures in the target area begin to rise, destroying the unwanted tissue. The technology is the latest addition to RWJ's growing expertise in the division of neuroscience.

We specialize in the latest in stereotactic neurosurgery, which involves targeting small areas in the brain with techniques used to treat everything from Parkinson's disease to brain tumors. Produced by Visualase, laser technology process has been shown to be highly precise, allowing the physician to destroy only the targeted tissue, leaving healthy surrounding tissues unharmed (+/- 1 mm). Because these procedures are guided by MRI images, they can be more precise than conventional surgery. The procedure is minimally invasive and reported in medical journals to be pain-free and require a shorter recovery time.

Potential Advantages of Laser Ablation Treatment

  • Since the procedure is guided by MRI images, it can be more precise than conventional surgery.
  • Recovery times, hospital stays, and complications are typically reduced due to the minimally invasive nature of the procedure. It does not interfere with or disrupt other treatments.
  • The small size of the applicator enables safe access to deep seated and surgically inoperable tumors.
  • Because the laser procedure delivers no (ionizing) radiation, the procedure can be repeated multiple times - there are no dose limitations.
  • There are also no side effects typically associated with laser radiation.
  • Destroys only the target, leaving surrounding tissue unharmed (within 1 mm).
  • Can be performed with patient wide awake.
  • Requires no radiation and no brain flap.
  • Causes little or no pain during or after procedure.
  • Is minimally invasive: The laser probe is very thin, probe is less than 2 mm in diameter.
  • Entry site heals quickly with minimal scarring.
  • Usually requires only one day hospital stay.
  • Does not limit use of other treatment options.

Laser Ablation Treatment Applications

  • Epilepsy
  • Brain tumors
    • Astrocytoma
    • Ependymoma
    • Glioblastoma
    • Meningioma
    • Schwannoma
    • Metastatic brain tumors
  • Primary and metastatic spinal tumor

    Patient Stories

    • “I’m not sure I could have done it without their encouragement and support,” Lara says. “Whenever I would ask if it was okay to do something like play hockey again, they would tell me to go for it.”

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    • “I got this miracle shot, and I hope it helps other people like it helped me. I’m blessed, lucky and grateful.”

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    • "I was in the hospital only two nights and am very pleased with the entire process."

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