Saint Barnabas Medical Center’s 15th Annual Clinical Research Day
Leonard Morneau, MD, Radiology resident, presenting his abstract titled
“Does Student Debt Affect Residency Choice?’’
Francis L. Weng, MD, MSCE, Program Director of the Renal and Pancreas Transplant Division,
facilitating discussion of Clinical Research Day abstracts.
Research is part of the broader spectrum of academic activity that is conducted at Saint Barnabas Medical Center (CBMC) by physicians, nurses, students and other health care workers. It is part of the great tradition of medicine that those who practice medicine take time to share their knowledge and experience with others. They thereby hope to improve care of patients by exploring and explaining unanswered questions in human biology.
On June 11, 2018, The Department of Medical Education and Clinical Research of CBMC sponsored the 15th Annual Clinical Research Day. On display in the Islami Auditorium were over 80 abstracts (listed below) detailing a sample of the clinical and laboratory research activities taking place at the Medical Center. The research was conducted by CBMC physicians, residents, nurses, pharmacists, students and other clinical staff. Brief oral presentations accompanied the posters and those attending had an opportunity to discuss the research findings with the authors.
“They reflect case reports, industry sponsored trials, cooperative group studies, and collections of results and experience gained over months and years, as well as work done in the laboratory, explains Henry Rosenberg, MD, Director of Medical Education and Clinical Research. Some represent research in medical education, others in how best to deliver medical care at the bedside, while others seek to explain unusual reactions or responses to medications and to a disease process. They are all valuable to the human endeavor to improve quality of life and to transmit that knowledge to future generations.”
Although CBMC is widely known for the excellent clinical care patients receive, Research Day demonstrates the active commitment to creation of new knowledge and the spirit of inquiry that exists among the Medical Center’s trainees and clinicians. Representative publications by members of the staff may be found in our Medical Library. For copies of abstracts that interest you, please place a request with either Debbie Likon ( ) or Tricia Reusing (
Ashraf H, and Hawthorne K, A Case of Cardiac Amyloidosis Secondary to Longstanding SLE
Aziz A, Thampi R and Casagrande L, Acute Renal Failure From Hypercalcemia as a Presenting Feature of Sarcoidosis
Aziz A and Smith S, Emergence of Enterococcus With Increased Minimum Inhibitory Concentration to Daptomycin During Treatment in a Patient With Myelodysplastic Syndrome and Successful Clearance With Linezolid
Aziz A, Kokkola-Korpela M, Hart Z and Youssef-Bessler M, A Rare Case of Primary Cutaneous Foot Actinomycosis: Diagnosis and Treatment
Bhurwal A, Haq M M, Sapru S, et al, Isolated Pancreatic Tuberculosis Masquerading as Pancreatic Cancer
Brogden R, Holler D, Barberio N, et al, Integration of Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C Screening in the Emergency Department With Linkage to Care
Chang A, Cooke B and Lee P, Dapsone Induced Methemoglobinemia and Hemolytic Anemia Post Renal Transplant: A Case Report
Chawla A, Mottaghi J, Boradia C and Sapru S, Cellulitis and Hyperthyroidism: The Perfect Storm
Chawla A, Raslan A and Sapru S, A Case of TINU Syndrome With Concomitant Synovitis
Cooke B and Carlino A, Variant (Prinzmetal) Angina as a Function of Myocardial Bridging: A Case Report
Gizaw Z and Hart D, Eosinophilia and Fever of Unknown Origin Associated With Toxocarisasis
Imam A and Smith S, Klebsiella Pneumoniae Cervical Osteomyelitis – Secondary to Urinary Tract Infection
Ivanovic S, Ramcharitar R, Resnick J and Rogal G, Amiodarone Prophlaxis as Prevention of Post Cardiac Surgery Atrial Fibrillation
Ivanovic S, Shiels L, Zywot A, et al, Risk Factors Associated With Unplanned Extubations: Five-Year Experience of a Tertiary Care Center
Kapoor R and Kodali P, IgA Myeloma with Increased Anion Gap; Pseudohyperphosphatemia and Pseudohyponatremia
Li Y, Smith S and Ramcharitar R, Varicella-Zoster Virus Encephalitis With Focal Deficits but No Rash in an Immunocompetent Adult
Liaqat A and Sapru S, An Atypical Presentation of a Common Skin Rash
Liaqat A, Ramcharitar R K and Venkatraman G, Tumefactive Multiple Sclerosis in a Patient with Hodgkin’s Lymphoma
Mazoor S and Smith S, A Case of Powassan Virus Encephalitis in Northern New Jersey
Moganti A, Ramcharitar R and Conde M, Rare Case of Lung Cancer Metastasizing to Soft Tissue
Moganti A and Ramsey A, An Unusual Case of Plasmacytoma With Multifocal Disease
Menezes R and Mistry N, Severe Sepsis in a Renal Transplant Patient
Safarova M, Sabnani I, Marx T and Sapru S, Concomitant Ischemic Stroke and Pulmonary Embolism: An Unusual Presentation of Anti-Phospholipid Antibody Syndrome
Tailor N, Khot A and Haskins D, An Often Missed Presentation of Stroke
Thampi R, Liaqat A and Sapru S, Chronic Intestinal Pseudo Obstruction: A Possible Initial Manifestation of Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
Thampi R, Aziz A, Liaqat A and Askin M, Myfortic-Induced Colitis Mimicking Inflammatory Bowel Disease
Thiyagalingam S, Menezes R and Redling T, A Classic Presentation of an Uncommon Disease: Binswanger Disease
Thiyagalingam S, Kapoor R, Diamond G and Sapru S, A Case of Severe HSV Gingivostomatitis in a Previously Immunocompetent Septic Shock Elderly Patient
Thiyagalingam S, Menezes R, Shah N and Redling T, An Interesting Case of an Elderly Patient With Epigastric Pain and an Ultrasound Demonstrating Splenic Cyst
Wang S H, Gallipani A, Adamson R T, et al, Evaluation of Patient Care Interventions by an Ambulatory Care Pharmacist in Two Physician Office Practices Within an Accountable Care Organization
Hubschmann O R and Arzumanov G, Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathy: Guidelines and Prevention of Iatrogenic Prion Transmission
Koziol J M, Hubschmann O R, Murthy S G, and Darwal M A, Spinal Cord Retraction Away From Anterior Osteophytes Following Decompressive Laminectomies
Koziol J M, Murthy S G, Rotoli G, et al, Minimally Invasive Lateral Facetectomy and TLIF Using Bilateral Muscle Spitting Technique
Koziol J M, Murthy S G, Darwal M A, et al, Laminar Arch Reconstruction as an Adjunct to Lateral Mass Screws
Murthy S G and Lipson A C, Thoracic Intramedullary Sarcoidosis Masquerading as Thoracic Spondylotic Myelopathy: A Case Report and Review of the Literature
Carrotto K, Evaluation of One Year Retention of Newly Licensed Millennial Nurses
Guevarra J and Kane R, Perceptions of Advance Practice Nurses by Registered Nurses in an Acute Care Hospital Setting
Trinidad A, Gurkas C, Esteves V and Taylor M, Examining Compassion Fatigue and Burnout Among Nurses in the Adult Critical Care Setting
Baker K and Warren W, Outcomes of Extremely Preterm Infants
Eddinger R and Kasdaglis T, Is it Worth the Wait? Retrospective Comparison of Delivery Outcomes for Full Term and Late Term Elective Induction of Labor
Ernst Y, Golnabi A and Miller R, Three Dimensional Ultrasound Evaluation of Placental Volume Using a Novel Method
Miller R, Dimoff M, DiSabatino D and Falcone B, Evaluation of Racial Differences in the Quantity of Diasialyllacto-N –Tetraose (DSLNT) in Human Breast Milk
Paniccia S and Miller R, Azithromycin for Pre-Operative Antibiotic Prophylaxis at Time of Cesarean Section in Patients With Rupture of Membranes and/or Active Labor
Tam T, Impact of Obesity on Cesarean Section Rate and Comparison of Success of Induction of Nuliparous Obese Patients Versus Normal Weight
Goldenberg A, Nageshwar M, Tanz A and Baptist S, The Impact of Checklists on the Utilization of RBC Units
Jha R, Perepelitsa Y, Pulinthanathu R and Kintiroglou M, Autoimmune Phenomena in a Patient With Chronic Myelomonocystic Leukemia: Case Discussion and Review of Literature
Kuwadekar A, Caroway C, Modi L, et al, FFP and FP24 Usage and Cost Comparison in Five Medical Centers
Kuwadekar A, Allard J, Smith F and Dardik M, Melanoma With Rhabdomyosarcomatous Differentiation
Modi L, Kuwadekar A, Pei Z, et al, Prostate Specific Membrane Antigen (PSMA) in Various Thyroid Tumors and its Potential Role in the Management of Thyroid Tumors
Modi L, Kuwadekar A, Caroway C and Zhong H, Co-Occurrence of TP53 and CDKN2A Genomic Alterations is Less Common in HPV-Associated or Esophageal Squamous Cell Carcinomas
Nageshwar M, Rashidbaigi A, Goldenberg A and Pei Z, Vulvar Undifferentiated Pleomorphic Sarcoma in an Adolescent: A Rare Case
Rashidbaigi A, Goldenberg A, Caroway C and Loo A, Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma Mimicking an Abscess: Potential Pitfalls
Rashidbaigi A, Wilhelm A B, Caroway C and Baptist S, Efficacy of Stopping the 100-Gram Oral Glucose Tolerance Test When Criteria is Established Before Three Hours
Yasmeen S and Pulinthanathu R, Anastomosing Hemangioma of Kidney: A Report of a Rare Variant of Hemangioma and Review of Literature
Hasan U, Mahon A, Cohen k and Yaney E, Implementation of an External Ventricular Drain Insertion and Maintenance Protocol Checklist to reduce Infections in the Pediatric Population
Meledathu S, Mehta C, Llanos R and Hasan U, Not Always What it Seems
Meledathu S, Morneau L, Lin G, et al, Sinusitis, Not Always a Benign Diagnosis: Case Series and Review of Literature
Raghava P S, Hasan U and Das S, An Infant Death From Coronavirus, Masquerading Bacterial Sepsis
Schmutzler T, Bowling M and Glick S, Mycoplasma Pneumoniae-Induced Mucositis Without Rash in an 11-Year-Old Boy
Ticar J L, Meledathu S and Hasan U, Ocular Manifestations of Lyme Disease: A Rare Finding in a 7 Year Old
Vyas S, Tuveson K and Roberti I, Ambulatory BP Monitoring: A Single Center Experience
Botros B, Opsha Y and Kane R, Retrospective Safety and Efficacy Evaluation of Sacubitril/Valsartan and its Impact on Heart Failure Readmission Rates
Botros B, Sacha L, Aitchison S and Eisenhart A, Anticoagulant and Antiplatelet Use Pre-Kidney Transplant and Risk of Perioperative Complications
McDonald D, Kimler K, Robinson C, et al, Medication Administration to Children: The Caregiver Perspective
Opsha Y, Costello J, Desai D and Palatine J, Evaluation of an Interactive Heart Failure Certificate Program – Pharmskills® at a Community Teaching Hospital
Patel J, Bente J DeStefano D and Howard D, Creation of a Medication Review Service for Patients With Parkinson’s Disease
Tagle J R, Sobolewski K, Meyers R and Bielory L, Impact of Penicillin Skin Testing (PST) on Antibiotic Selection in Patients With a Documented B-Lactam Allergy
Tomaselli C, Meyers R, Castello F, et al, Fentanyl Patches for Weaning in the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit
Tomaselli C, and Reveron S, Implementation of a Naloxone Provider Education Program in a Primary Care Setting
Blegen-DiPietro Z, McCarthy N and Kaplan M, Percutaneous Cholecystostomy: Transhepatic Vs Transperitoneal
Choe D, Atluri M, Goodman K, Fertakos R, Comparison of Small Bowel Transit Time of Water Soluble Vs. Barium Oral Contrast in Emergency Department
Dholakia N, Choe D, Gesner L and Pawar R, A Rare Case of Nonfatal Powassan Encephalitis in Northern New Jersey
Morneau L and Julius B, Does Student Debt Affect Residency Choice?
Aly S and Seaman E, Improvement in Sperm Capacitation Demonstrated After Varicocele Repair
Choi J, Sawh D, Byun S, Charcot Neuro-Osteoarthropathy Vs. osteomyelitis in Diabetic Patients
Conlon K, Burgos R, Marano M,et al, A Community Outreach Effort: Making a Big Difference With Small Burn Injuries
Conlon K M, Kukis K, Cunius L et al, Integrating Child Life Services into the Burn Team; How Their Presence Makes a Difference
DiTrolio J V, LaSalle M D and Krin S, A Rapid Urine Screening Test to Identify Bacteriuria and Evaluate the Shelf Life of Media Ampules
DiTrolio J V, LaSalle M D and Lawson C, A Twenty Year Review of Interstitial Cystitis (IC), Chronic Nonbacterial Prostatitis, Bladder Pain Syndrome, and Overactive Bladder With Evaluation of Management Successes 1998-2018
DiTrolio J V, LaSalle M D and Bhalla R, Comparison of Flexible Disposable Ureteroscopes, Boston Scientific (BSC) Litho-Vue™, Versus Prosurg® Neoflex Ureteroscope
Goodman K, Opsha Y, Thomas A B, et al, Impact of a Structured Introduction to Research Methodology and Evidence-Based Medicine on Resident Understanding of the Fundamentals
Patel P, Bonaventura K and Aitchison S, Kidney Transplantation in a Patient With Congenital Hypoplasia of the Left External Iliac Artery: A Case Report