Who We Help


CSH School Services has been providing educationally relevant occupational and physical therapy services for children in public and private schools for decades. Our experienced therapists work with children of all ages, medical diagnoses and school classifications. Therapy programs are goal-directed and individualized for each child with an emphasis on evidence-based practice and collaboration.


We have extensive experience working with school systems throughout New Jersey.

CSH School Services acts as a resource for schools in many ways. Our licensed and certified occupational, physical and speech therapists provide evaluations, consultations and direct services for children requiring related services under IDEA and for children with 504 plans. Our staff works with teachers, child study team personnel, school administrators and parents to develop and implement comprehensive, individualized education plans for each student.

Therapists collaborate with educators and school administrators on strategies to successfully implement state and federal education legislation to meet the learning and participation needs of students.

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To learn more about CSH School Services, email schoolservices@childrens-specialized.org.

Patient Stories

  • “Ahmed has made great progress, and once he was cleared by his physician, he could participate in running, jumping, and sport-specific activities necessary to get him back on the court.”

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  • "He is working hard every single time that he comes here. There has absolutely been improvements with the movement in his finger and being able to do things. He's now going back to playing sports, fishing, gym class, and doing all the little things that ...

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  • “The therapists are all phenomenal with all the kids, not just mine. The level of patience they have is amazing, and you can tell they really care for the kids and love what they do,” Malikai’s mom Jennifer states.

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Patient Stories

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