Common MRI Procedures at Somerset Campus

Our GE 1.5 Signa Excite High-Definition system produces clear, detailed images, to diagnose conditions at their earliest, most treatable stages. Images are interpreted by radiologists who specialize in MRI diagnosis, seven of which are fellowship-trained in neuroradiology.

Common Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) Procedures

  • Magnetic resonance angiography (MRA) – A non-invasive test used to evaluate a majority of the blood vessels in the body. It can identify aneurysms, blockages and peripheral vascular disease. Images are obtained without a catheter, so there is no risk of damaging an artery.
  • MRI of the breast – Used to detect and stage breast disease, assess the extent of disease, evaluate response to treatment and guide radiologists during biopsy and localization. MRI can be used to effectively image augmented breasts and gain information about breast abnormalities detected with mammography, physical exam or other breast imaging modalities.
  • MRI-Guided Breast Biopsy – Radiologists use MRI to guide instruments to the suspicious area. It is less invasive than a surgical biopsy, requires only local anesthetic and leaves little or no scarring.
  • Needle localization – Used to place a guide wire within the breast at the point of concern. This will guide the surgeon to the abnormality.
  • MRI Body Imaging – Produces high-detail images of the organs of the abdomen and pelvis.
  • MRI Neuro Imaging – Produces high-detail images of the brain, spine and upper extremities.
  • MRI Musculoskeletal Imaging – Produces high-detail images of major joints and soft tissues of the upper and lower extremities for your comfort.

To schedule a procedure, call 1-844-RWJ4YOU (1-844-795-4968).

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