Frequently Asked Questions

Below are some answers to questions we often hear abour emergency room services at Jersey City Medical Center.

1. What does the triage nurse do?

Triage is a French word that means "to sort." The job of the triage nurse is to make sure that the patients with the most serious injuries or illnesses are seen first.

2. Will I have to wait to see a nurse or physician?

Every effort is made to provide prompt care, but you may have to wait before you are seen by a physician or practitioner. You may also have to wait for diagnostic tests such as X-rays, lab tests and for results which have to be obtained and reviewed. Your patience is always appreciated.

3. Will I be allowed to have visitors during my treatment?

Yes, but the number of visitors in the ED treatment area is kept to one visitor to allow the ED team sufficient space to do their jobs quickly and effectively. This ensures patients receive the best medical care and maintains an appropriate level of privacy. Every effort is made to keep your loved ones informed of your condition as well as to allow them to be with you when possible.

4. Will I be allowed to eat or drink anything before being seen?

Please check with the triage nurse or nursing staff before eating or drinking anything prior to seeing the physician. Also, please check prior to using the restroom in case a specimen is needed to assist in your diagnosis.

5. What to do if I or my loved ones need a translator?

The Emergency Department is equipped with technology to provide translation services in over 200 languages as well as sign language. We also have multilingual staff available to interpret during your stay.

6. Will I receive care instructions before I leave the ED?

Yes, and it is very important that you understand and follow these directions. If you do not understand the instructions or have questions, please ask! Patients are responsible for their own care after they leave the ED and are strongly encouraged to arrange follow-up appointments with their family doctor.

7. How and when do I pay for treatment in the ED?

You will receive a bill for the services provided. This may include any special treatment services, physician services, nursing services and medical supplies necessary during your visit.

8. How can I provide feedback about my visit?

A survey will be mailed to you shortly after your visit. Please fill it out and return it in the prepaid envelope. Quality care is very important in the Emergency Department. Your constructive feedback will help to ensure that we continue to uphold this high standard of care.

Patient Stories

  • "Even though I currently live in Bayonne, I proudly call Jersey City Medical Center my hospital."

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  • "The fast action and outstanding care I received from Jersey City Medical Center’s award-winning Emergency Medical Services team allowed me to continue to live my life the way I want to."

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  • " Jersey City Medical Center is always here for you. The dedication of the team makes this place a truly great provider of health care in our community. I got everything I needed at Jersey City Medical Center. I was truly in the right place."

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