BMSCH ECMO Program Is a Silver Level ELSO Award Recipient
The Bristol-Myers Squibb Children's Hospital's Extracorporeal Life Support
Program earned the Silver Level Award from the international Extracorporeal
Life Support Organization (ELSO) in 2019.
Achieving the Silver Level Award means that our program has been recognized as on the Path to Excellence in extracorporeal life support.
ELSO is an international nonprofit consortium of health care centers and individuals dedicated to the development, evaluation and improvement of extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) and other innovative therapies for support of failing organ systems in infants, children and adult.
ECMO is a temporary mechanical support system used to aid heart and lung function in patients with severe respiratory or cardiac failure.
Developed as an offshoot of cardiopulmonary bypass and the membrane oxygen machine used to support those patients, ECMO can be used in patients of all ages (newborn to adult).
ECMO is used for patients diagnosed with a broad range of illnesses including cardiac or pulmonary failure.
The ECMO team at BMSCH includes our partners at Rutgers Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, ECMO surgeons, intensivists, nurses, advanced practice providers, and respiratory therapists.
Learn more about the ECMO program at BMSCH.