Jun 3, 2020 Self-Care for the Caregiver

One Source EAP Connections - June 2020

The importance of Self-Care

dog on beachThese days, we are all caregivers, whether you are working with the public or caring for family members at home. As caregivers, we feel we need to be strong for everyone we touch; spouses or significant others, children, parents, other family members, even the community at large. Unfortunately, being strong for everyone else can leave the caregiver depleted - physically, mentally and emotionally.

It is critical to carve out some time to practice self-care in the midst of caring for others. Like they say on an airplane, put your oxygen mask on first, before helping those seated around you.

In addition, staying connected during social distancing brings new challenges of overcoming loneliness, boredom and not being able to be physically close to those we love. Psychology Today recently published tips on building an immunity to the potential psychological effects of social isolation in, “Coping With the Psychological Effects of Social Distancing”.

Remember, you are not alone! Should your anxiety related to the impact of COVID-19 begin to overwhelm any part of your life, please reach out toOne Source EAP at (800) 300-0628. We are here for you 24 x 7 x 365.

So, how do you make sure you care for yourself during these unprecedented times? The Harvard Health blog article, "Self-care for the caregiver", provides five simple ways to take care of yourself:

  • Practice self-compassion, otherwise known as cutting yourself some slack,
  • Mindful breathing
  • Taking care of your body through mind-body practices like yoga
  • Prioritize nutrition and adequate sleep
  • Staying socially connected with family, friends and loved ones.

Tools from One Source EAP

Only have a couple of minutes to care for yourself at times? The Calm Collection is for you.

Season 1 of the Calm Collection featured:

Each episode takes a different approach to relieving stress. Watch them all to find the ones that work best for you. Be on the lookout for Season 2.

One Source EAP is offering live virtual seminars on stress relief and meditation, as well as other seminar topics, including Care for the Caregiver, Compassion Fatigue and more! To schedule a virtual seminar, contact your HR partner who will schedule it with One Source EAP.

One Source EAP Connections June 2020To take advantage of your EAP benefit, contact 800.300.0628, 24/7, 365 days a year.
Contact with the EAP is completely confidential!

One Source Employee Assistance Program