Impact Clinic - Cooperman Barnabas Medical Center

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Impact Clinic, run by the Outpatient Occupational Therapy Department located at the RWJBarnabas Health Ambulatory Care Center, is a casual, warm, inviting environment for people to get together and make new friends. Our goal is to promote community engagement, socialization, education and fun! Individuals are invited to join us for one or more of the events planned.

Advanced, online registration is required (please register for each session you would like to attend).

TIME | 12 - 1:30 pm
LOCATION | Conference Room A, RWJBarnabas Health Ambulatory Care Center

January 23 | Blizzard Bingo
Join the Multiple Sclerosis Comprehensive Care Center Team for a winter wonderland version of bingo! During this session you will also have the chance to meet new RWJBarnabas Health neurologist, Dr. Sami Saba.

February 6 | Team Building Adventure
Get ready to bond! Join fellow Impact Clinic members for a fun-filled team-building experience, packed with interactive challenges, led by Alissa Percival, OTR/L and Dori Cohen, OTR/L!

February 20 | Boost Your Brain Health
Join neurologist Dr. Kyra Blatt for an insightful session on headaches, followed by brain-boosting games with the Multiple Sclerosis Comprehensive Care Center Team. Keep your mind sharp while having fun!

RWJBarnabas Health Ambulatory Care Center

200 South Orange Ave.

Conference Room A

Livingston, NJ 07039

Questions? Contact Dori Cohen, MS, OTR/L, MSCS, CSRS, Outpatient Rehab

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