Balance Program

Monmouth Medical Center Southern Campus

If you are suffering from balance problems, Monmouth Medical Center Southern Campus Rehabilitation Services Department can help.

We incorporate a multidisciplinary approach that includes Audiology and Physical Therapy staff using state of the art equipment for diagnosis and treatment.

Our program includes a comprehensive vestibular and balance evaluation followed by an individualized retraining regimen with the goals of fall prevention, safe performance of daily tasks and improved functional mobility.

Here is what you can expect at Monmouth Medical Center Southern Campus Balance Program

An Audiologist may perform the following diagnostic tests:

  • VNG or Videonystagmography. A series of tests that evaluate the vestibular system. This includes the recording of eye movements while the patient views stationary and moving objects, moves into various head and body positions and during the stimulation of each inner ear balance mechanism.
  • CDP or Computerized Dynamic Posturography. This test measures visual, somatosensory (muscles & joints) and vestibular (inner ear) components of balance. The patient stands on a platform and is asked to try to maintain their balance under various conditions. A safety harness is worn by the patient.
  • Comprehensive Hearing Evaluations. This assess the hearing portion of the entire ear.

A Physical Therapist may perform the following:

  • Vestibular Rehabilitation. An exercise program specifically designed to help patients to compensate for a loss or imbalance within the vestibular system. Traditional physical therapy techniques as well as Cybex Balance Machine are utilized. The Balance machine provides patients with motivating and goal directed exercises through computerized biofeedback.
  • Fall Risk Evaluation. This assesses the patient's mobility, sensation, balance and other factors that may predispose a patient to falling. Education and instruction is provided to reduce risk factors. Additional therapy may be indicated.
  • Home Safety Evaluation. A Checklist assessment is used to determine home safety when performing daily living activities.

If you can answer YES to one or more of these questions, you may be an appropriate candidate for the Balance Program at Monmouth Medical Center Southern Campus.

  1. Do you experience dizziness with sudden changes in movement?
  2. Have you fallen in the past year?
  3. Do you have numbness in your feet and legs?
  4. Do your legs feel weak?
  5. Do you feel unsteady when you are walking?
  6. Have you had a mild stroke or other neurological problem affecting your balance?
  7. Do you use an assistive device to walk, such as a cane or walker?
  8. Are you inactive?

How to Get Started

Patients must have a valid prescription to participate in the Balance Program. Contact your doctor who will decide if testing and or therapy are right for you.

A call to your insurance carrier will confirm coverage.