Expressive Therapies & Programs

Art Therapy

Art Therapy

Art therapy is the therapeutic use of art to help people self-express and cope. Many young patients have difficulty verbalizing their feelings surrounding diagnosis, illness, and hospitalization. Through creating art and reflecting on one's process and product, young patients can experience a non-threatening outlet for expression, increased coping skills, distraction from symptoms and pain, and normalization. The healing power of art and creativity can help improve quality of life, while giving a voice to the unconscious. Art therapists are professionally trained clinicians in both art and therapy. Sessions can be provided to patients and families, either individually or in groups. Art materials are provided and no artist skills are necessary!

Therapeutic Playroom

This is an area dedicated to pediatric patients that provides recreational play which is commonly used for personal enjoyment, to combat boredom, and to facilitate normalization. Developmentally supportive play supports all aspects of the child’s development and is universal. Therapeutic play facilitates expression, coping, and mastery of the health care experience and helps to provide a sense of achievement within the health care setting. Medical interventions and invasive interactions with patients and families are not to be performed in the playroom due to it representing a “safe zone.”

Patients Sitting Around Table

Teen Lounge

Patients over the age of thirteen are able to utilize our teen lounge which offers a Wednesday night teen night, flat screen television, computers, and state-of-the-art video game systems to provide distraction from hospitalization. It also allows for patients of the same age facing the same difficulties to interact and not feel completely alone.

Volunteer Program

Child Life Volunteers help Child Life staff with age-appropriate activities for patients in the playroom and at the bedside. Child Life volunteers also help maintain a clean and safe environment by sterilizing toys as well as the playroom area. If you would like more information on volunteer opportunities within the Child Life department please contact Denise Clark of volunteer services at 973-926-6771.