Jun 29, 2023 July 2023: The Importance of Self-Care

Put Your Oxygen Mask on First

If you’ve ever flown on an airplane, you’ve heard the flight attendant describe what to do in case of an emergency-put on your oxygen mask first, then help others. The message is that we can’t possibly care for others if we don’t first care for ourselves.

This is guidance for our daily lives as well. Most of us have so many responsibilities; from work to childcare to eldercare, we don’t take time for ourselves., However, we have it
backward; we need to take care of ourselves first by:

  • Getting enough rest
  • Exercising regularly
  • Eating healthy meals and cutting back on junk food
  • Take some time every day for a renewal activity

A renewal activity is something that helps you de-stress and find joy. They are different for everyone; it could be an
outdoor walk, taking time for a hobby, meditating, spending time with friends or just sitting quietly. Find what works for you and make time to do it every day!

If you need help with self-care, but don’t know where to start, call One Source EAP at (800) 300-0628. All calls are answered 24/7/365 and are strictly confidential.

5 Steps For Enhancing Self-Care

Psychology Today recently discussed the benefits of self-care for our mental health and found that self-care is linked to improved mental health, self-esteem, self-worth, and optimism. To pump up your self-care:

  1. Make quality a priority (food, rest, time)
  2. Pay attention to your thoughts
  3. Be as nice to yourself as you are to others
  4. Start saying no
  5. Stay connected to yourself

For more details on each, click here to read the full article.

Register for our July all-employee seminar, “Self-Care Practices to Reduce Stress”

Join Dr. Fred Foley for our One Source EAP July 30-minute seminar “Self-Care Practices to Reduce Stress,” on July 18th at 4:00 PM to learn techniques to reduce stress and enrich your life.

On the 3rd Tuesday of each month at 4 pm, One Source EAP celebrates a day from the National Day Calendar by hosting a 30-minute, system-wide virtual program. Click here to register for one or all of the sessions.

You can also request other seminar topics for your workgroup. Check out the seminar page on our website to review the list. To ask for a seminar for your team, click here.

One Source EAP