The Tree of Life Art Workshop - Better Health RWJUH Hamilton
The Tree of Life
Here we are ready to start the season of autumn. We feel the crispness in the air, witness the trees changing their colors and gain excitement by the beauty of this spectacularly colorful season. What better way to begin fall with your creation of “the tree of life?” We often find inner peace when we walk amongst the trees, enchanted by their beauty and, perhaps too, their spirituality. Like the tree, we often find comfort in our roots grounding us to the earth and grasp joy when reaching new heights. In this workshop, we will create the tree of life that speaks to you – its colors, branches, production of sprouts and/or leaves. Bring pictures from magazines, your own photos, the colors you associate with your tree – paints, crayons and colored pencils will do… We will explore it all in this workshop and gain connection as we embrace this season together. With Artist and Healing Art Instructor, Jane Zamost.