Jun 29, 2023 June 2023: Celebrating Men’s Health Month

A group of men friends

Spotlight on the Health of The Dudes in Your Life

Since 1992, June has been celebrated as National Men's Health Awareness Month. Men have been raised to be strong for their families. They don’t have an easy path to ask for help. They may not know avenues exist when they're struggling to be strong for those around them.

The good news is that our society is creating more pathways for men to get the support they need. Our call to action this month is to raise awareness for the prevention and early treatment of health problems experienced by men. Men, especially have difficulties asking for help to protect both their physical and mental health. According to the CDC, men accounted for about 80% of all suicides in the U.S In 2021. This is a disturbing statistic and a call to action!

It’s time to break out of the stereotype and practice a little self-care. Everyone, including men, can benefit from the three basics of self-care, and this month is as good a time as ever to get started:

  • Get at least 7 hours of sleep each night
  • Eat healthy food
  • Exercise at least 3 times a week

If you don’t think you can do all three at once, try one and add the others over time.

For the advanced ways to improve your mental health see the list below.

6 Ways to Improve Your Mental Health

According to an article in Men’s Health Magazine, there are many ways for men improve their mental health, but it comes down to six key things...

  1. Get a Social Network
  2. Get Back to Nature
  3. Get Zen
  4. Get a Hobby
  5. Get Big – Resistance training
  6. Get Help – One Source EAP is a great place to start. Call (800) 300-0628. All calls are answered 24/7/365 and are strictly confidential.

For more details, click here to read the article.

Register for our June seminar, “Overcoming the Challenges of Manhood”

Join Dr. Robert Lawrence Friedman for our One Source EAP June 30-minute seminar “Overcoming the Challenges of Manhood,” on June 20th at 4:00 PM to learn about the myth of male stereotypes.

On the 3rd Tuesday of each month at 4 pm, One Source EAP celebrates a day from the National Day Calendar by hosting a 30-minute, system-wide virtual program. Click here to register for one or all of the sessions.

You can also request other seminar topics for your workgroup. Check out the seminar page on our website to review the list. To ask for a seminar for your team, click here.

One Source EAP