Heroes Work Here: Haydee Dubman, Phlebotemist

A few months ago, Haydee Dubman, a phlebotomist, was afraid to care for COVID-19 patients. Now, she guides colleagues how to safely provide care, and is amazed by the way the team has come together to overcome obstacles.

Members of the Community Medical Center team in Toms River have been tirelessly caring for patients, and one another, as they respond to the coronavirus pandemic. Throughout it all, they have responded with strength, skill, and compassion, and shown who they truly are – heroes.


I did have the fear at the beginning, you know back, a few months ago. But, now it’s not a fear anymore. I just walk in, I ask God to give me the strength every time I walk into the room, and I’m okay with it. I mean, you know, I’ve been asked to help out my colleagues, and you know, my team downstairs, to walk them through how to prepare themselves, what to wear, how to disinfect everything, and stuff like that. And I feel good about it now. It’s just, I treat everybody the same, whether you have it or not. The patient doesn’t scare me anymore. I’m just amazed of how everybody has come together. We became like more like a family to challenge what came to us here at the hospital.