Stroke Risk Assessment Screening - Cooperman Barnabas Medical Center

While a stroke may seem like an unpredictable event, there are tests available to help figure out whether you have a higher risk for stroke in the future. No one can forecast exactly when a stroke will happen, but getting an idea of your stroke risk level can help you modify some behaviors and other factors to improve your outlook. During Stroke Awareness Month, Cooperman Barnabas Medical Center will hold a free Stroke Risk Assessment Screening during West Essex Health and Fitness Day.
Advanced registration is not required.
Recognize the Signs of a Stroke
Health care providers recommend using the B.E. F.A.S.T. system to help you remember and recognize the symptoms of a stroke either during or immediately after it occurs. Stroke is a medical emergency. If you think you or a person with you is having a stroke, immediately call 911 for an ambulance to transport you to the hospital. Do not wait to see if symptoms go away.
Balance - Have you lost your balance, felt a sudden headache or felt dizzy?
Eyes - Is your vision blurry?
Face - Are you feeling numbness, or seeing drooping, on one side of your face?
Arm - Do you have feeling in both arms? Can you raise them both up without one drifting down?
Speech - Are you slurring your speech? Can you form coherent sentences?
Time - If any of the above symptoms are occurring, call 911 immediately.