Caregiver Support Groups & Individual Counseling - Monmouth Medical Center Southern Campus

Are you caring for an aging parent, spouse, significant other, or friend? Are you struggling with it? Help is available.
Caregiver counseling is available to anyone struggling to care for a resident, of Ocean County, who is over the age of sixty (60). These counseling programs are free of charge, conducted by a licensed clinical social worker, and are available to anyone who needs guidance and support while providing care to a loved one living at home or in a care facility.
The following programs and services are free of charge and are sponsored by a grant funded through The Ocean County Office of Senior Services.
Caregiver Education & Support Groups: Groups are available in person and by zoom. Tuesday from Noon to 2:00 pm
Education and support will be provided on the issues of caregiving, both emotionally and physically. This group shares resources on case planning and assists you with caring for yourself so you can care for your loved one.
Individual Counseling: Counseling is available in person, via telephone, Facetime or Zoom, in the comfort of your home.
Family Counseling: Counseling is available through Zoom, to assist concerned family living at a distance
For more information, or to register, call:
Kathleen Holahan, MSW, LCSW
Office: 732-730-9112
Cell: 732-778-0636
The James and Sharon Maida Geriatrics Institute: 732-886-4700