Jan 5, 2023 Wellness for the New Year

The beginning of the new year is a great time to remind ourselves of the importance of taking care of our whole health – body, mind and spirit. Some resolutions are difficult to keep, but self-care can be built into our daily routine if we bring it to our awareness and take the time to plan for it. Self-care can improve our physical health, reduce stress and anxiety, boost self-esteem, protect our mental health, lead to better relationships and enhance our ability to provide compassion and empathy toward others.

Here are some ways to nurture your well-being and build resilience while maintaining a healthy work life balance:

  • Do a wellness “check-in” with yourself and your co-workers. Be the example for others on your team
  • Schedule self-care by setting aside time each week to focus on yourself the same way you schedule a meeting or appointment.
  • Find something that brings you joy and take time to do it. Ex. Painting, gardening, meditation
  • Get moving and go outside if possible. A walk, bike ride, massage, yoga or dance can help reduce muscle tension, refresh your emotions, energize your body and focus your mind.
  • Turn off electronic devices and mentally unplug. Leave work at work and take a moment to unwind from each day.
  • Set communication time boundaries. While some people need to send the occasional after-hours email or other messages, it should be generally accepted that people aren’t expected to answer immediately.
  • Engage in positive self-talk to remind yourself to think positively.
  • Practice self-compassion. You are human and doing the best that you can.
  • Stay connected with those you care about.
  • Openly support and celebrate each other
  • Eat healthy foods and hydrate to fuel your body.
  • Extend self-care to work hours. Take breaks when you can. Don’t eat lunch at your computer.
  • Don’t be afraid to say “No” to additional responsibilities if your schedule is already full.
  • Prioritize sleep. A good night of sleep can make a world of difference.
  • Listen to music.
  • Hug someone or a pet. Positive physical contact reduces stress and releases endorphins
  • Embrace spiritual practice in whatever form you use to lift your emotions.
  • Practice gratitude in your words and actions
  • Have walking meetings.
  • Build pauses into the workday. Schedule 20 or 50-minute meetings as your default.

Many of us spend at least a third of our lives at work and work regularly intertwines with our life routines. Saving self-care for later or another time doesn’t cut it. It’s healthier to work it in as a regular part of our everyday than to ignore it.