Sep 18, 2020 Census 2020: Help Shape New Jersey’s Healthcare Future

Census 2020The deadline for the U.S. 2020 Census is Sept. 30, and we're encouraging anyone who has not yet completed the brief survey to complete it! The once-in-a-decade census data determines not only the number of seats each state has in the House of Representatives, it also drives how the federal government allocates funding to communities for health care, food, and social, educational and economic programs and services.

An accurate count of the nation’s population through the census is critical to communities across the country, especially in our state and especially to ensure resources to support our most vulnerable populations. Undercounts have negative impacts; in the 2010 census, more than two million children went uncounted. With half of those under age 5, the consequences of underfunded health and social programs could impact nearly their entire childhood.

The U.S. Census Bureau is bound by law to protect the privacy and confidentiality of everyone who responds to the census, therefore immigration status will remain confidential, as well as other personal information collected.

Complete the census online at or by phone at 844-330-2020. If you have children, it is important to include all of your children, even newborns!

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