May 29, 2018 Born to Run – Get Started with These Tips

Interested in running a race soon? Before you start, check in with your doctor to get medical clearance to begin an exercise routine. Other tips to keep in mind include:

  • If it’s your first race, set attainable goals. You may want to just consider focusing on having a good time and listening to your body!
  • Make sure you have proper running shoes, and always consider the surface you are running on. Asphalt is better than concrete, and dirt is even better
  • Never run on an empty stomach! Consume a light carbohydrate snack 1 to 1.5 hours before your run, and don’t forget plenty of fluids!

Walking or running in a race is a great way to get outdoors, meet new people, support your community and push toward a new goal. Visit Running in the USA to find a race near you! Visit for more assistance on training plans and how to prepare for your first race.