Nuclear Prostascint Tests

Instructions for Your Test or Procedure

NOTE: We are pleased to provide standard instructions regarding your test or procedure. Please contact your physician to discuss your individual needs and medical circumstances before you proceed.

Nuclear Medicine Protascint Procedure


Note: You will need to begin to prepare for this procedure four days before your appointment.

Before Your Procedure

You will be asked to come to the Imaging Center for an injection of Prostascint.

Three days after the injection, take two Dulcolax tablets at bedtime.

Four days after the injection, drink eight ounces of fluid every hour, starting at 8:00 a.m. until bedtime. Maintain your normal diet. After dinner on this day, take four Dulcolax tablets and two tablespoons of castor oil.

The Day of Your Procedure

The morning of the test do not eat breakfast, but you may have clear fluids

Please arrive 30 minutes before your scheduled appointment.

You will receive an injection of a radioactive material.

Blood will be drawn and tagged to another radioactive material.

A whole body scan will be performed. Following the scan the radioactive blood will be re-injected and the SPECT study will be performed. This will take approximately two hours.

You will be informed at the completion if you will need to return the following day for additional images.

MIBG (Metaiodobenzylguanidine)

Note: This study must be approved by a radiologist before scheduling.

Before Your Procedure

You must be pre-treated with Lugols solution (SSKI, Potassium iodide) one day prior to injection and three days to follow for a total of five days. This will be prescribed by your physician.

You must be off calcium channel blockers, anti-hypetensive mediactions, sympathomimetic agents, cocaine, tricyclic antidrepessants, anti-hypertensives acting through adrenergic neuron blockade.

Please plan to bring radiographs, CT and MRI films, blood and urinary catacholemine levels with you when you have your procedure.

You will be scheduled for an injection of a radioactive material 24 hours before your procedure.

The Day of Your Procedure

Returns to our Center 24 hours after your injection. A whole body scan will be acquired from head to mid-femur, with an additional, SPECT scan following.

The imaging process takes approximately 2 hours.

PET Scan

The Day Before Your Procedure

Drink 48 oz. of plain water the day before your PET scan, in addition to your normal diet.

Dinner the night before the procedure should consist of a low carbohydrate meal (i.e. avoiding items such as pasta, fruit juice, potatoes, rice and bread).

The Day of Your Procedure

Do not have anything to eat or drink at least six hours before your procedure.

Please arrive 30 minutes before your scheduled appointment.

A blood glucose level will be obtained through a finger stick. If the blood glucose is in excess of 200 ng/dl the procedure cannot be done.

You will receive an injection of a radioactive glucose and will remain in a quiet room for one hour.

After one hour you can leave the quiet room and get something to eat.

Please return after two hours after the injection for the scan.

The scan will take approximately one hour.

Patient Stories

  • “I consider myself very fortunate,” shares Maria. “I took part in the clinical study with the goal to help others.”

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  • "Joining the I-SPY 2 clinical trial was the biggest 'no brainer'."

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  • “Based on all my nursing experience and my own personal experience with breast cancer, I feel like I can empathize with patients from diagnosis, through their treatment, recovery, and beyond.”

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Patient Stories

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