Nuclear Parathyroid Tests

Instructions for Your Test or Procedure

NOTE: We are pleased to provide standard instructions regarding your test or procedure. Please contact your physician to discuss your individual needs and medical circumstances before you proceed.

Nuclear Medicine Parathyroid Procedure

Parathyroid (sestimibi parathyroid scan, dual isotope parathyroid scan)

Before Your Procedure

To have this procedure you may not have had any contrast studies within the past six weeks. You must also be off thyroid medications as follows: Synthroid , six weeks; Cytomel 2 days; PTU/Tapazol, 5 days
Patients who have taken these medications are candidates for Sestamibi imaging only.

Please plan to bring the following information which is required and must be available at the time of the test: blood work containing parathyroid hormone levels (PTH); serum calcium levels.

The Day of Your Procedure

Please arrive 30 minutes before your scheduled appointment.

Do not eat or drink for two hours before and after oral administration of I-123 sodium iodide capsule. This will be provided to you.

You may eat two hours following administration of radioactive capsule.

You may leave and return to the department for injection of radioactive material four hours following administration of capsule.

When you return you will be imaged for 15 minutes.

You may leave and return one-and-a-half hours after completion of first set of images.

When you return you will be imaged for 20 minutes.

Renal Scan (MAG3 Renal, Renal with Lasix)

The Day of Your Procedure

Please arrive 30 minutes before scheduled appointment. You may eat and drink normally but keep in mind that you will be asked to hydrate by drinking 24 ounces of water when you arrive, prior to the start of imaging.

An IV line will be placed in your arm. You will be asked to empty your bladder prior to start of procedure.

You will be positioned on the imaging table and injected with a dose of Lasix and a radioactive material which will enable the function of your kidney to be observed.

Imaging will last approximately 25 minutes. Then you will be asked to empty your bladder.

An additional one-minute image will be taken.

This procedure takes approximately two hours.

Vasotec Renal Scan (MAG3 Renal with Vasotec)

Before Your Procedure

You must be off all ACE-inhibitors and Calcium Channel Blockers for 48 hours prior to the scan.

The Day of Your Procedure

Please arrive 30 minutes before your scheduled appointment.

An IV line will be placed in your arm. You will be hydrated with 0.45% NaCl (saline) through a slow IV drip. Timing for this varies per person but it can take up to one hour.

Your blood pressure will be taken.

Vasotec (Enalaprilat) will be administered. Your blood pressure will be monitored after 20 minutes.

You will be asked to empty your bladder prior to start of procedure.

You will be positioned on the imaging table, and injected with a dose of Lasix and a radio active material which will enable the function of your kidney to be observed.

Imaging will last approximately 25 minutes.

You will be asked to empty your bladder
An additional one-minute image will be taken.

This procedure takes approximately three-and-a-half hours.

Patient Stories

  • “I consider myself very fortunate,” shares Maria. “I took part in the clinical study with the goal to help others.”

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  • "Joining the I-SPY 2 clinical trial was the biggest 'no brainer'."

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  • “Based on all my nursing experience and my own personal experience with breast cancer, I feel like I can empathize with patients from diagnosis, through their treatment, recovery, and beyond.”

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Patient Stories

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