Jul 25, 2023 Protect Your Feet from the Hot Summer Sun

Summertime means outdoor time! Whether heading to the beach, park or other activities, The Burn Center at Cooperman Barnabas wants to share these following fire safety reminders to help keep you, your family and your pets protected from burns.

Going to the beach? Be sure to protect your feet when walking across sand. As temperatures reach 90 degrees, sand can heat up to over 120 degrees - hot enough to cause second or third degree burns in minutes. Because of its decreased water content, sand gets hotter faster and stores that heat, taking time to cool down.

Pavement, especially asphalt or cement also absorbs heat – enough to cause skin to burn. Wearing Flip-flops or water shoes when going to the beach or the pool helps protect your feet.

Playground equipment such as uncoated metal slides, swings or other equipment can be another source of danger. With prolonged exposure from direct sun, even plastic surfaces eventually heat up enough to become dangerous. Always check equipment before allowing children to climb and play.

Be sure to liberally apply sunscreen, even to the bottom of your feet. Pay special attention to children. The skin on their feet is thinner and more prone to burning.

Don’t forget about your pets. Walking on these surfaces can be just as dangerous for them.

If a burn does occur, cool immediately with water, not ice. For larger blisters, please seek medical attention. 

For more information visit, www.njburncenter.com