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Organizations large and small are continually competing to attract and retain top talent. An Employee Assistance Benefit can be one of the strongest tools in your kit to help you in these efforts.

However, the biggest concerns among employees are:

  • They simply don’t know about the Employee Assistance Program (EAP) and when to use it
  • EAPs can seem hard to utilize
  • They are concerned about divulging their personal information and how it will be used
  • They may feel like their issue is just too small to bother using the EAP

At One Source EAP, we understand these concerns and help you explain and continually communicate your EAP benefit to your employees to gain awareness and destigmatize the program to help your employees feel comfortable using it.

Our team will actively work with you to ensure your employees know about their benefit, understand how simple it is to use, that contact with One Source EAP is always completely confidential, and know that no issue that is impacting their work or home life is too small to discuss with one of our counselors.

How do we do this?

  1. Onboarding sessions, Information Tables, Health Fairs and Benefit Fairs
    We’ll come to your location to provide an overview of the program, answer questions and provide Marketing and promotional materials. Should you have more than one shift, we’ll make ourselves available for each one to ensure that every employee is fully aware of the program.
    In addition, we will attend any benefit fairs or health fairs you schedule to inform your employees prior to or during benefit enrollment periods. We will also work with you to schedule and staff information tables at your location as you see fit to ensure your employees are well informed of their confidential EAP benefit.
  2. Seminars and Professional Development
    One Source EAP will work with you to understand which topics may be useful to your employees and bring seminars to your location. During these group sessions, employees will be reminded of the individual confidential counseling sessions regarding the topic at hand or any issue that may be interrupting their work or home life.
  3. Marketing Materials
    One Source EAP will provide you with flyers, posters and contact cards to ensure all employees are aware of their EAP benefit. Our 800 number is listed on every piece so there is no fumbling for contact information and no uncomfortable calls into Human Resources. When we visit your company for onboarding sessions, information table days, and health or benefit fairs, we will also bring an ample supply of promotional items to reinforce awareness.
  4. Monthly newsletters
    Each month, One Source EAP will forward a digital newsletter for distribution to your employees. We’ll also post it to our website. We’ll select a topic each month that addresses concerns your employees may be facing but aren’t sure how to handle. Issues range from the very common, such as stress management, to the complex, like substance abuse or relationship issues. Each edition will always provide our contact information should an employee want a private, confidential consultation or a manager want to schedule a seminar related to the topic.
  5. Utilization reports
    How do you know if your employees are actually using their EAP benefit? While you may be aware of group activities such as seminars and information table days, you won’t have access to confidential session information as they occur. To help you understand the full picture of how your company is leveraging the One Source EAP benefits, we’ll provide a consolidated report four times a year.
  6. Periodic check ins and site visits
    Aside from formal visits in the form of information table days, benefit fairs and seminars, your Account Manager and/or other One Source EAP team members will check in with you by phone or stop by your office to see how the program is running and if there is anything additional we can do to be of assistance.

One Source Employee Assistance Program

Patient Stories

  • “We would highly recommend working with the EAP to improve dynamics on your team, provide support to leaders and team members that may be struggling.”

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