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For Employers - FAQs

What is an EAP?

The EAP is a confidential counseling, assessment and referral program designed to help your staff manage work and life problems. Just as health insurance is designed to address physical wellbeing, the EAP is designed to address emotional and mental wellbeing, and help employees manage their problems. It’s a completely confidential program that is fully paid by you, the employer.

Why should I provide an EAP benefit for my employees?

All employees experience problems in their lives. It is a fact of life. Even getting a promotion, having a baby, getting married and adult children leaving or coming back home can cause unexpected stress. Personal problems are not always left at home.

Employees often shoulder invisible burdens that threaten both their well-being and the organization they represent. Employees who are not working at their top effectiveness are affecting your company's bottom line.

Providing an EAP for your employees can help your company mitigate the costs to your organization and contribute to a caring atmosphere for your employees. One Source EAP can help your employees get the mental health support they need to be productive at work and at home.

What services do you offer, aside from counseling services?

In addition to confidential counseling services, One Source EAP offers customized seminars and workshops, professional coaching, and workplace management consultation. See our Services page (link to services page) for full details.

How do I inform my employees about this benefit?

One Source EAP is here to help ensure all of your employees know about and understand their EAP benefit. We will provide on-site onboarding sessions, information tables as often as you see fit, and participate in benefit or health fairs you may schedule. We’ll also provide you with flyers, posters and business cards to post or place around your building(s). Each month, we’ll send you a digital newsletter to distribute to your employees focused on mental health topics your employees may experience at some point.

Why should I use One Source EAP rather than the EAP services my insurance company bundles in with our health insurance plan?

Bundled EAP products have become increasingly popular, but don’t necessarily meet the needs of participants or their employers. EAP is not health insurance. EAP services are not an insurance carrier’s core competency or priority. While the embedded EAP comes with a low price tag, they are also accompanied by many disadvantages that may not be apparent to many employers.

A Health Insurance bundled EAP isn’t really an EAP and lacks many of the services (Link to Services page) One Source EAP provides.

Bundled EAP’s offer limited front-line expertise, clinical support and participant advocacy. Your employees speak to a customer support representative. At One Source EAP, our 800 number is staffed by specialists trained to assess, refer and assist callers.

A bundled EAP typically covers only those employees enrolled in the health plan. One Source EAP covers all of your employees and their dependents, including children up to the age of 26.

A health insurance plan is not incented to resolve issues within the framework of the EAP, they’re incentive is to transfer the employee to their mental health benefit. One Source EAP is designed to get your employees the help they need within the EAP plan design. Most often, employees’ issues are resolved within their free session allotment.

Health insurance plans typically do not actively promote the EAP benefit. One Source provides Marketing support (Link to Marketing page) continually to ensure your employees understand their benefit and are comfortable enough to use it.

For further details on why a bundled option is not your best option, check out this blog article by Management Consultant Lesley Miller.

What seminars do you offer for my employees?

One Source EAP has developed list of seminars covering a wide variety of topics, from health and wellness, to stress management to team building and communications skills. See the Seminars page (Link to the Seminars page) for more information and contact us for a full list of the seminars and workshops we offer. We’re also committed to working with our clients to customize seminars to fit your specific workplace needs.

How do I request a seminar at my location?

Your Personal Account Manager is your primary point of contact to share existing seminar topics and help your team schedule seminars. If none of the seminars are quite right, we will work with you to customize one for your business.

Do you have any online resources my employees can use to relieve stress or get information on other problems they may have?

Yes! One Source EAP has developed the Calm Collection (Link to the Calm Collection), a series of brief, recorded videos available to your employees and members of their family. In roughly two minutes, the EAP vows to help viewers feel better. How do we do that? Some stress management and maybe a laugh or two. We also offer a Resources page (Link to Resources on Employee site) which provides articles and links to a variety of common issues your employees may face.

Are your counseling services confidential?

EAP counseling services are completely confidential! As an employer, you won’t know that a specific employee is using the EAP benefit. None of their information – including their name – will be shared with anyone without their written permission.

Do I have to offer a company sponsored medical plan in addition to the EAP?

No. The EAP is completely separate from any Health Insurance programs you may or may not offer.

If I also offer a Health Insurance Plan, are my employees required to participate in that plan in order to use the EAP benefit?

Company sponsored insurance benefit enrollment is NOT required to take advantage of the EAP benefit. The EAP is available to your employees and their dependents

Will my leadership team or HR know if my employees use their EAP benefit?

One Source EAP is completely confidential and your leadership team or HR won’t be advised when an employee uses his or her EAP benefit. The one caveat is if there has been a Management Referral for a specific employee. Even then, the referring manager and HR will be advised only that the person has made and is keeping appointments – and only with the employee’s written permission. You will also be provided with Utilization Reports four times a year, which will provide only aggregated information. You will not be able to identify individuals based on these reports.

If my employees have questions, where can they get information?

There is a list of FAQs (link to FAQ page) specifically geared toward employees on “For Employees” Section of this website. If their questions are not addressed, they can certainly contact our Access Center for answers. If there are any remaining issues, your Personal Account Manager is always available to address them.

Contact Us

Current Customers, contact us for more information or to schedule services

Prospective Customers: Contact One Source EAP for a Quote

One Source Employee Assistance Program

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  • “We would highly recommend working with the EAP to improve dynamics on your team, provide support to leaders and team members that may be struggling.”

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