Applicant Testing and Selection Process

Our applicant selection protocol attempts to be objective and equitable. The procedure prioritizes the three domains that include characteristics of the three behavioral domains (cognitive, affective and psychomotor) in accordance with guidelines that define the scope of entry-level practice.

The affective domain is measured by using a Values continuum, Empathy scale, and a Semantic differential to determine values regarding integrity, motivation and empathy. An Interview conducted and scored by the Admissions committee is a requirement. Members of the admissions committee interview each candidate and make a thoughtful judgment about the applicant's likelihood of becoming a good entry-level practitioner. Point value is assigned based on the number of professional recommendations an applicant receives.

The psychomotor capabilities are measured using: Revised Minnesota Paper Form Board Test

The math and physics academic capabilities are measured using: a multiple choice test

All applicants meeting acceptable minimum cut off points are evaluated on the basis of their total behavioral and biographical/demographic profiles. Summation of an applicant’s interval numbers provides a total score used for ranking applicants.