
Physicians specially trained in pediatric anesthesiology provide care for infants, children and adolescents undergoing surgery at the Bristol-Myers Squibb Children’s Hospital (BMSCH) at Robert Johnson University Hospital.

The Pediatric Anesthesia Department provides approximately 5,000 anesthetics each year in the six operating rooms of the Center for Advanced Pediatric Surgery (CAPS) and numerous off-site locations, including MRI, CT scan, Special Procedures, Nuclear Medicine and Radiation therapy. These include basic procedures such as ear tubes, circumcisions and eye muscle surgery as well as kidney transplant surgery, neurosurgery, bariatric surgery, scoliosis repair and other complex surgeries.

Major operations happen at CAPS almost every day, and the pediatric anesthesia team is involved in all of those.

The pediatric anesthesia program is devoted to the preoperative, intraoperative, and postoperative care of the pediatric patient. Our patients range in age and size from premature infants that barely weigh a pound to teenagers and young adults who may weigh several hundred pounds.

We have a dedicated team of experienced, full-time pediatric anesthesiologists who are well-versed in all the nuances involved in the pediatric renal transplant recipient, resulting in superior outcomes.

With all of our patients, the goal is always to provide safe conditions during surgery and comfort when the procedure is over.

Patient Stories

  • “Her health problem was very stressful for us, but that’s all gone now — because she’s OK.”

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  • “The recovery was pretty challenging. But in my head, I was like, ‘I need to do this if I still want to play football in college.’ So I pushed through it, and in the end, it all came out amazing.”

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  • “I feel amazing. I can move. I can do so much more physical activity without feeling pain.”

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Patient Stories

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