Deep Brain Stimulation for Movement Disorders

Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) is an important and established surgical procedure to treat Parkinson’s disease and essential tremor. DBS uses advanced computer technology to isolate areas of the patient’s brain that control movement. Our center provides complete care to all patients through every stage of their surgery, including patient education, pre-operative screening, intra-operative monitoring, careful post-operative care and DBS stimulator adjustments. DBS surgery is offered to patients with movement disorders, and a declining quality of life, that are not adequately controlled with medications and have had an acceptable trial of medications. While DBS is not a cure, it can successfully treat symptoms. The major benefit of DBS surgery is the overall improvement in a patient’s quality of life.

Patient Selection

Our preoperative process for all patients being considered for surgery:

  • Discussion and initiation with your neurologist
  • Preoperative assessments
  • Health care team consensus meeting

Deep Brain Stimulation involves the implantation of a very thin lead into a specific target in the brain through a small opening in the skull, which is then connected to a generator or pacemaker, implanted in the chest. Patients are comfortably awake during electrode implantation to allow the surgical team to assess brain function. DBS is remarkably safe and effective. Most patients are able to significantly reduce their medications following DBS and regain a productive, meaningful life.