Dec 22, 2019 Recipe: Chai Hot Chocolate

chai hot chocolate

The recipe below check all the boxes for improving heart health and energy. “The chai drink satisfies sweet cravings while providing immune-boosting compounds,” says Diane Weeks, RD, who gives healthy cooking demonstrations at RWJ Rahway Fitness & Wellness Center in Scotch Plains.


4 cardamom pods, cracked
1 (4-inch) piece cinnamon stick
4 whole cloves
¼ tsp. anise seed
2–4 slices (approx. ¼ inch) fresh ginger, peeled*
2 cups water
2 black tea bags
2 tablespoons unsweetened natural cocoa powder
¼ teaspoon vanilla extract
2 cups unsweetened almond or soy milk
3 tablespoons agave syrup or honey, or to taste

*Note: Ginger root varies in thickness. If you have a fat piece, 2 slices may be enough.


  • Place cardamom, cinnamon, cloves, anise seed and ginger in medium saucepan, add 2 cups water and place over medium-high heat. When water simmers, cover and simmer over medium-low heat for 3 minutes. Remove from heat. Add tea bags, cover and steep for 4 minutes. Remove tea bags, cover and steep brewed tea with spices for 20 minutes. Strain to remove spices, and return spiced tea to saucepan.
  • In small bowl, whisk cocoa with ¼ cup of hot tea until dissolved, then add to tea. Mix in vanilla, and almond or soy milk. Heat chai over medium-high heat until steaming.
  • Sweeten to taste, then pour into mugs, or divide chai among 4 mugs and sweeten it to taste individually.