Blood in Urine

New Jersey Kidney Care

The medical term for blood in urine is hematuria. In order to start treatment for this condition, we must first determine where the bleeding is coming from. The bladder, urethra, ureters and kidneys are all potential sources of blood in urine, meaning a comprehensive screening procedure is needed to determine where the damage is.

Be aware that blood in urine is not always visible. If you have felt strange, painful sensations when urinating, it is possible that you are suffering from hematuria. Inform your doctor so that they can test urine and refer you to a nephrologist, if necessary.

Causes of hematuria

Hematuria always calls for a visit to the doctor as soon as possible. There are numerous conditions that can cause blood in urine, and while not all of them are necessarily pressing, it is important to confirm once and for all what caused it in case it is the result of a life-threatening condition.

The following are some common causes of hematuria:

  • Kidney infections
  • Kidney stones
  • Urinary tract infections (UTI)
  • Cancer and tumors
  • Enlarged prostate
  • Kidney disease
  • Sickle cell anemia
  • Certain medications

It is possible that a reddish color in urine is not blood, but a change in color caused by diet or exercise. A visit to the doctor is important anytime you believe there is an abnormality in your urine.


Treatment for hematuria varies depending on what’s causing it. In most cases, hematuria is a side effect of another medical condition, and treatment will be focused on treating the root cause, rather than the symptoms. If hematuria is caused by a UTI or kidney stones, your doctor may prescribe antibiotics and medications.